AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

AAP Values

  1. Care - We take care of all of the people, lives, relationships in our archive -- both living and deceased. It is so important that we honor, respect, and care for the lives and experiences that are shared with us, and we are intentional about refusing all forms of exploitation both within our materials, the processes with how we handle them, and how we engage with each other as a team and with the community. 

    • We advocate for intersectional justice that recognizes overlapping or intersecting social identities and the related systems of oppression, domination, or discrimination.” —#ArchivesForBlackLives in Philadelphia

  2. Honesty - We are honest and communicate at all times the information that we know to be true with each other and through this project as we do not believe in altering history to serve any particular agendas or purpose. We hope to create spaces where we can reflect in honesty on the experiences of Black people inter- and intra-communally and move in action together to celebrate and courses-correct as necessary.

  3. Education - We are committed to educating ourselves on the best practices for producing a project such as this. We are also committed to educating the larger community and refusing practices of inaccessibility that gatekeeps information and prioritize certain methods of learning.

    • "We commit to critically examine archival theory and practice, to educate ourselves about the active relationship between archives and social justice, and to engage collaboratively with marginalized communities, bringing an open mindedness to learning and sharing authority.” —#ArchivesForBlackLives in Philadelphia

  4. Accountability - As stated in the ABC Values: “We hold each other accountable to these values in public and in private. We challenge each other and promote individual and collective growth. We do not accept any form of prejudice, discrimination, bigotry, or oppression” 

  5. Growth - We want to continually grow this project in both quantity and quality according to the capacity we have at any given time. We aim to keep record and create an archive of depth that prompts the analytical, emotional, and communal growth of Black people at Lafayette and beyond. We invite everyone who is in alignment with the values of the AAP and the ABC to participate in community events and contribute to the archive in the ways that they see fit, as well as encourage folks to learn about the behind-the-scenes process of this archive and build upon their own technical skills.

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