The Impact of Hebrew School Education on Young Jewish American Opinion on Israel and Israel-Palestine

Original Zionist Texts

While the idea of a connection between the Jewish people and the land that is now established as Israel is ancient, and can be found in the Torah, the political ideology of Zionism was born in the later 19th century. Zionism is "a Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews" (Encyclopedia Britannica 1). This movement was established in 1897 by Theodor Herzl, an Austro-Hungarian Jewish journalist, playwright, political activist, and writer, who is now famously known as the father of modern political Zionism. 

Herzl's writings on Zionism, along with those of various other prominent Zionists at the time, served as the basis for the ideology as a whole as it spread and gained prominence over the last century. Running many of these texts through Voyant Tools allowed me to get a good idea of the most common terms expressed in these original writings. 

It is important to note that at the time of most of these texts, the state of Israel had not yet been established, so the authors still referred to the land as Palestine. As a result of this, I used Voyant Tools to find the terms most commonly linked to "Palestine" as opposed to "Israel."


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