The Impact of Hebrew School Education on Young Jewish American Opinion on Israel and Israel-PalestineMain MenuThe Impact of Hebrew School Education on Young Jewish American Opinion on Israel and Israel-PalestineHow do Young American Jews Feel About Israel?Data Collection: Israel in Modern Hebrew School EducationOriginal Zionist Texts and Hebrew SchoolKey Findings and Next StepsBibliographyOlivia Newman19ef5e25b418070be9d8c8a574400913f3221538
Zionism and Hebrew School
12021-06-29T17:49:01+00:00Olivia Newman19ef5e25b418070be9d8c8a574400913f3221538351plain2021-06-29T17:49:01+00:00Olivia Newman19ef5e25b418070be9d8c8a574400913f3221538Hebrew School is an extremely important aspect of early Jewish education for many Jewish Americans, and neither its methods of teaching about Israel and the Israel-Palestine conflict, nor its impact on the opinions of young Jewish Americans’ views on these issues, have been thoroughly researched. The most significant study on this topic was completed by Louis Katzoff in 1949, in which he recorded the percentage of Sunday School teachers who emphasized specific ideas about Israel in their lessons.
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12021-06-29T17:20:02+00:00test1*CSP: Current School Practice; *MDC: Most Desirable Conditionmedia/Percentage of Sunday School Teachers who Place Emphasis On Various Aspects of the Teaching of Palestine.pngplain2021-06-29T17:20:02+00:00