Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

Analysis and Conclusion


There are multiple factors that have caused the water scarcity crisis in Lagos, Nigeria. After evaluating different news articles and case studies about Lagos, it is obvious that the governments actions have caused this crisis to be severe. Infrastructural violence is occuring due to the water leakages in the infrastructure, which limits the amount of water being supplied and also increases the pollution rates. Citizens are dying from dehydration and from waterborne illnesses, and with the increasing population, more citizens will be effected by this inderect act of violence. Lagos residents have protested, but nothing has changed. Low-income popluations are being neglected because of the governments greed and need for profit. Corporations that are not being taxed are making the situation worse by using excessive water that takes away from the population without having to pay. Without taxation, the governments funds will be even more insufficient, which means the water agencies put in place will receive an even smaller budget. Borehole drilling should also be regulated by the government because many wealthy citizens are drilling boreholes which not only takes away from the limited water supply, but also causes citizens to be forced to purchase water from water sellers, which many residents can not afford. An analysis of all these factors show that the Lagos government is primarily at fault for this water supply crisis, and needs to rework their master plan as well as put water regulations in place to control the amount of clean water being used by corporations and the wealthy population. 


Lagos needs to act fast and efficiently if this crisis is going to be resolved. If the government continues too focus on urbanization, more citizens will die due to the negligence of the government. As the city becomes larger, the water demand will increase, and the gap between the water supply and demand will become more difficult to maintain. The government also needs to allocate more money to the water agencies put in place so they can effectively do their jobs. The amount of water agencies should also be addressed and condensed so the agencies can collaborate together rather than working independentley. There is a lot of factors that need to be addressed by the government if the water supply crisis is to be resolved. The low-income population also needs to be addressed because of the extremley unsanitary conditions they are experiencing, as well as the high levels of pollution and disease in the water. Proper waste management needs to be put in place, especially when water contamination is prevalent. If the government continues to ignore the severe infrastructural violence they have created, more citizens will die and the water scarcity crisis will become worse.


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