Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

How killing a lake killed people

It goes without saying that the destruction of a large body of water such as the Aral sea over the course of a single generation would have cataclysmic effects on the local human, as well as wildlife populations. Most obvious is the fact that every fisherman along the Arak sea was now out of a job, estimates vary but most put it around 35,000 whose primary source of income for them and their families, perhaps for hundreds of years had become a dried up hole in the ground. This would be a small part of why Kazakhstan birth rate would plummet in the 80’s and 90’s as the lack of financial security would lead people to have less children. More discreetly however then the economic damage was the damage done to the health of the now impoverished population.

It goes without saying that the destruction of a large body of water such as the Aral sea over the course of a single generation would have cataclysmic effects on the local human, as well as wildlife populations. Most obvious is the fact that every fisherman along the Aral sea was now out of a job, estimates vary but most put it around 35,000 whose primary source of income for them and their families, perhaps for hundreds of years had become a dried up hole in the ground. This would be a small part of why Kazakhstan birth rate would plummet in the 80’s and 90’s as the lack of financial security would lead people to have less children. More discreetly however then the economic damage was the damage done to the health of the now impoverished population.


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