Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

The Standing Rock resistance and our fight for Indigenous rights

Still invisible and often an afterthought, Indigenous peoples are uniting to protect the world's water, lands and history -- while trying to heal from genocide and ongoing inequality. Tribal attorney and Couchiching First Nation citizen Tara Houska chronicles the history of attempts by government and industry to eradicate the legitimacy of Indigenous peoples' land and culture, including the months-long standoff at Standing Rock which rallied thousands around the world.

The article "Blood Carbon: Why Indigenous Land Defenders are Fighting Against Carbon Offsets" discusses how carbon offset programs, meant to combat climate change, are negatively impacting Indigenous communities. These programs often involve using Indigenous lands without proper consent, leading to displacement, violence, and loss of livelihoods. The piece highlights the resilience of Indigenous land defenders who are fighting to protect their territories and rights against these harmful practices. The article also critiques the global carbon market for perpetuating environmental and social injustices.



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