Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

Welcome to the Research Platform for A&S 201: Culture and the Environment

Welcome to our research platform, where we delve into the critical and urgent issue of water and environmental justice. Despite widespread recognition of water's paramount importance to society, we face a global paradox: water is abundant yet scarce. This scarcity is not just physical but is exacerbated by inequities in distribution and access. Around the world, the reality is stark–while some regions enjoy abundant supplies, others grapple with severe shortages, unsafe water, and lack of sanitation. The consequences of such disparities are profound, impacting communities and ecosystems alike.

Our focus is on the growing crisis of water justice, intensified by an era of escalating water-based inequalities and discrimination. The struggle for water resources is a tale of conflict and contestation. Megacities, mining, forestry, industry, and agribusiness are staking claim to an ever-larger share of surface and groundwater reserves, often at the expense of marginalized communities who are frequently left to contend with toxic and polluted environments. Through this platform, we bring to light case studies that highlight historic and contemporary instances of water injustices from around the globe.

Our aim is twofold: to illuminate the challenges faced by those who are most vulnerable–primarily impoverished communities and people of color– and to critically examine current water governance models and the ideas that sustain them. We also seek to reveal the power structures and policies that perpetuate these injustices. Join us in exploring these vital issues and in imagining ways to contribute to a more equitable and just water future.

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