
Why Esports could freshen up university education

The emergence of Esports has not only provided entertainment to millions of people worldwide, but it has changed the way society thinks about education. The value of further education has been questioned in some parts of the world but in the US, it is still extremely worthwhile enrolling in a university degree, backed up by the fact college graduates statistically earn more than an average US worker. However, despite that, universities are still constantly trying to evolve to appeal to the whole demographic of prospective students. 

And while subjects such as history, English literature, mathematics, and foreign languages will always remain popular, there is a new wave of subject starting to come into many prospective student’s thinking. More universities are also beginning to recognize the emergence of Esports and the opportunity it offers students in the professional world and as a result, are adding Esports as a degree program.

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A new angle of opportunity

Although still in its infancy, Esports already asserts a strong influence on the younger generation and tournaments, competitions and events are heavily backed by sponsors, investors and even sports betting markets at Cloudbet. Esports has risen to the ranks of traditional sports such as American Football, soccer and tennis and features alongside these favored pass times in magazine and newspaper columns, sports betting lists and now on lists of degree programs around the US. 

The introduction of this program, which overlaps with many other industries and occupations, onto university curriculums is a sign of education institutions taking a step into the future. With the established nature of Esports, there is minor risk in offering it to students and for those looking to go to university, there are new learnings and fresh opportunities that have been created within the Esports industry. And due to its infancy, the opportunity remains to shape the Esports world and what it has to offer.


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Skills that prepare you for the future

The fresh opportunities provided by Esports are very much in line with the direction society is heading. The digital era is in full swing, and Esports is thriving off this momentum. In operating in a digital realm, different skills might be required to adapt quicker to new innovations coming our way. Whichever pathway of Esports you wish to work in, there are elevated levels of teamwork, communication, leadership, creativity, and digital competence promoted and encouraged.

Not only would an Esports degree sharpen these skills, but for universities, such a degree could be important in retaining student’s interest in going to university in the future. Esports is on an upward trajectory and although there is a long way to go, taking a degree in Esports could be the way to be part of something great now.