This page was created by London Jones. 

Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

Environmental Racism In Flint

What is Environmental Racism?

Environmental racism refers to the unequal exposure of minority and low-income communities to environmental hazards; it is a result of segregation and poverty that has forced people of color, specifically black people, to be in toxic, dilapidated environments. It's essential to acknowledge environmental racism as violence

Examples of Environmental Racism In Flint

Considering that Flint's residents are primarily black and poor, and the response from their city officials to their complaints and concerns was ignored, it is an example of environmental racism. The Flint residents were constantly overlooked, and when everything went down, they were not given the proper warnings or assistance to deal with the infrastructural and environmental violence they were experiencing until it was past the point of no return. Flint's residents were forced to live in a hazardous and unsafe environment, and their officials were willingly negligent to their suffering and symptoms from the water.

Why is this Important?

Environmental Racism is why the state of Flint was so negligent and uncaring, If Flint had been perdominately white and rich, this situation wouldn't have happened, and even if it did, it would've been resolved quickly and the people responsible would've had to face justice for what they have done, Environmental racism causes infrastructural violence and Slow violence by perpetuating this constant cycle of forcing communities into dilapidated or hazardous environments. The people of Flint were neglected, and when it was time to show up for them, they had no support.

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