This page was created by London Jones. 

Hydronarratives: The Confluence of Water and Environmental Justice

Flint Water Crisis: What Now?

What Happened After the Crisis?

The Flint community is still dealing with the negative impact of the water crisis even today. If you want to learn more about what they are going through, these videos will provide some insight into the challenges faced by the people of Flint. Video 1, Video 2, Video 3

Flint, Michigan, An Apology

Environmental racism is a violent form of discrimination that affects minority and low-income communities disproportionately. Despite the devastating impact of this issue, there is still a lack of awareness and conversation surrounding it. The people of Flint, Michigan, serve as a harrowing example of the devastating effects of environmental racism. We must work together to create a world where infrastructural and slow violence is eradicated and where environmental justice is a reality for all. Achieving this goal requires a commitment to justice, inclusivity, and a willingness to learn from the experiences of marginalized communities. It is essential that we all do better; the people who have lost their lives to this crisis are a convincing reason why.

It is crucial that we identify and acknowledge instances of violence, regardless of its form, in order to prevent it from happening again or to help those who have suffered from it. We must advocate and fight for justice not only for the people of Flint, Michigan, but for all communities that have been affected by environmental racism.


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