AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

August 13th, 2021 - Saide Singh - Blog Post #4

Letter to Future Self + Final Reflections

Dear future Saide, 

As I’m writing this, I’m still in disbelief at how quickly the summer has gone by. It seems like just a few days ago you started this project and were trying to understand what a timeline could look like. In addition to the work you did with AAP, you also dealt with several changes that altered the way you handle stress and productivity. As you transition into this position for the fall, there are a few things that I would like you to keep in mind: 

First, be kind to yourself. You had a rather ambitious start to the project, but I encourage you to always step back when you feel overwhelmed and start small. There were many topics to focus on, but once you stuck to the Demands, you became passionate and the workflow moved easily. When this happens, your work becomes less like “work” and more so delving into a project that feels definitive in its motive and reason. 

Second, lean on your colleagues for support and resources. Your other internship this summer as a teaching fellow solidified the want and need to lean on your teammates. Remember that you are innovating on excellence and not inventing the wheel on your own. You have an awesome cohort and I encourage you to reach out to them. Also know that if/when you get stuck, the other people around you can support you through this time. This is an incredible project that draws incredible people and it would be irresponsible not to get to know the other people around you. Even if their focus is not necessarily in your field, their interests can always be a learning experience. 

Lastly, like Mariatou mentioned during the team meeting on Monday, I would like you to continue to think of ways to make the timeline more interactive and accessible. I know that you were thinking of expanding the project past the 2016 demands, so keep in mind how to make it so that the timeline moves cohesively with the 1970s timeline. Aesthetics in the digital world are also important, so think about how to use color blocking and other digital tools to make the timeline fun and to see and use. 

That is all Saide! I wish you the best in the fall! I know that you’ve got it and I’m excited to see what you’re going to do with this timeline! 


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