AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

July 20th, 2021 - Saide Singh - Blog Post #2

Hey all! 

Not sure why this blog post turned into a letter, but I feel as if this is the most comfortable way to document my progress over the summer. As Shirley mentioned in their blog post, I cannot believe that we are halfway through the summer! While this is only my second blog post, the summer is moving along quite quickly. In the past weeks, I’ve documented all of the images in the 50th Field Notes into the ABC Timeline that an alum, Chelsea Daniels, had started. I then reorganized all of the materials by date (some of them were out of order) and began to think about my larger project for the summer. 

After looking through the drive, I ran across the Demands from ABC in 1969 and then again in 2016 (co-signed by multiple clubs across campus).  As I read through the language and understood what the Demands were, I was inspired by Xavier Grayce Walker to proceed with a timeline or word-history project that looks closely at how the demands of 1969 and 2016 were addressed (or disregarded). When I think about the possibility of this project, I imagine a Voyant-esque project that tracks keywords in each of the demands and picks up on the responses of each administration. Though I am not yet sure of what the response from admin was to the 2016 demands, I’m curious to see if they align with the responses of the 1969 admin. I am dually interested in seeing which demands were met and which demands are continually asked and not met across the demands of 1969 and 2016. I’m excited to think about this project further and think of creative digital formats to present what I’ve learned. 


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