Queer Archives Project

Queer Experiences: How to Use the Queer Archives Project Digital Humanities Scalar Site

“Queer is a continuing moment, movement, motive—recurrent, eddying, troublant. The word ‘queer’ itself means across.” -- Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Tendencies

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.” -- Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road

The Lafayette Queer Archives Project digital humanities site is designed to be a Queer experience. It mirrors a Queer perspective on knowledge, and its cross-referential structure intentionally reflects Eve Sedgwick’s insistence that Queer thought is literally “not straight.”  The site encourages the slippery power of curiosity. It is shaped to pique a visitor’s interest in both expected and unexpected ways, and allows for many kinds of “poking and prying.”

The Lafayette College LGBTQ+ oral history interviews are the heart of this site--and they are where you should begin. In these interviews, members of the LGBTQ+ community reflect on their time on campus. Every interview page contains the interview transcript, a parallel audio recording, and subject photos. 

“Themes” are generated by oral history interviews and listed at the end of individual transcripts. Themes reflect broad topics (such as “Academics” or “Race”) that have emerged from oral history interviews so far.  Themes connect across interviews and site materials, providing the “big picture” for Lafayette’s LGBTQ+ history.

“Keywords” are also generated by oral history interviews and are listed below "Themes" at the end of every transcript. Keywords represent specific, relevant concepts (such as “AIDS Memorial Quilt”) that have emerged from interviews.  Keywords appear on the site only when there is archival material to support them. Like Themes, Keywords connect across interviews and site materials. 

Materials from the Lafayette College Archives saturate and enrich this entire site. Interviews, Themes and Keywords are linked to archival artifacts in ways that illustrate and expand on interview content and Queer history more broadly. This rich body of materials dimensionalizes the project, opening new avenues for research.

Reflective writing is woven into the site through Interpretive Paths. Paths are shaped by a researcher engaging with, critically reflecting on, and writing about QAP materials. Paths thread through the site, offering new connections and meanings. Paths currently featured on the site are examples of student writers engaging with site materials for research purposes. Paths are added with permission of the site administrator. 

Finally, you will notice the presence of Thematic Timelines. The timelines for each theme incorporate interviews and archival materials chronologically, providing a familiar dimension for content. Timelines also provide a mechanism that helps track institutional and historical change on multiple registers. 

In 1992, the Princeton Review named Lafayette College the most homophobic campus in the United States. In conceptualizing, designing, and building this site, one of our goals has been to make Lafayette recognizable as an institution that is working proactively, thoughtfully and creatively to support Queer experiences. 

Enjoy yours.

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