All Archival Artifacts
1 media/29801232990_4c0dfe7df3_o.jpg 2018-04-06T19:54:10+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 1 34 image_header 2019-03-15T19:41:01+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779This page has tags:
- 1 2018-11-02T18:39:53+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2017 Riley Temple '71 "Aunt Esther's Children Redeemed" Frontispiece Nathan Hansford 19 "Aunt Esther's Children Redeemed" analyzes the work of playwright August Wilson and is authored by alumnus Riley Temple '71. plain 2024-07-18T23:01:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 06 Mar 2017 Text Riley Temple Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-04-06T20:01:40+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Lafayette Magazine, "Quilt offers Lafayette a powerful education about AIDS" Mary A Armstrong 18 This article describes the impact and purpose of the AIDS Quilt display and summarizes the event in detail. plain 2024-11-07T19:42:21+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Jul 1992 Text Jeffrey S. Miller Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-05T04:28:06+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2010 Photo of Kirby Hall of Civil Rights Lobby Timeline Nathan Hansford 16 Dean of Intercultural Development John McKnight in the lobby of the Kirby Hall of Civil Rights during the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the building and the inauguration of the Kirby Hall Civil Rights Timeline. The LGBT rainbow flag can be seen in the background. plain 2024-07-10T20:14:09+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collection & College Archives 20 Oct 2010 Photographic Image Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2017 Equality Rally Open Letter from QuEST Nathan Hansford 16 This was sent by Quest to the Lafayette community at large preceding the 2017 Equality Rally, calling for improved medical care for trans people on campus and for increased academic offerings in the field of LGBTQ studies. plain 2024-07-12T21:48:33+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives Apr 2017 Text Quest Mary A. Armstrong Jennifer Wellnitz Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2022-10-28T00:24:39+00:00 Anastacia Negron 8f89167ccfb1bd3dea2e7a4dcf2b4c873bd5fef9 2000 Journal of Homosexuality, “Heterosexual Masculinity and Homophobia: A Reaction to the Self?” Mary A Armstrong 16 This is an academic article written by Peter Theodore '97 and Professor Emerita Susan Basow (spanning 1977-2020) appearing in the Journal of Homosexuality, vol. 40, no. 2, 2000, pp. 31–48 in 2000. plain 2024-11-08T14:47:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 2000 Text Peter Theodore '97, Susan Basow Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-16T20:10:55+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 2006 Daniel Reynolds '08 Photo Speaking at the "Gay? Fine by Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 16 This is an photo of Daniel Reynolds speaking at the 2006 "Gay? Fine by Me." rally held on the Lafayette College campus. plain 2024-11-19T22:26:10+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Photographic Image Daniel Reynolds Courtney Howell '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-04T22:31:41+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2010 Coeducation Quilt by Liza Lucy '74 Nathan Hansford 15 Quilt made in 2010 by Liza Roos Prior Lucy '74 in honor of the 40th anniversary of co-education at Lafayette College. plain 2024-06-25T00:17:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collection & College Archives 2010 Physical Object Liza Roos Prior Lucy Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-10-12T20:47:48+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Morning Call, "Lafayette Fraternity Making Amends for Party" Mary A Armstrong 15 This article describes student reactions to the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. In the top margins of the printed issue "F D.U." is written. plain 2024-11-07T02:37:21+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 13 Nov 1981 Text Andrea Axelrod Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Audre Lorde Comes to Laf_thumb.jpg 2022-10-28T13:28:33+00:00 Reilly Hughes 59cad5e9ee7a52bea34d9c733e9dabe0a98bdde0 1984 Article on Audre Lorde's Campus Visit and Lecture Mary A Armstrong 15 This article reports on Audre Lorde's Lafayette College lecture on racism and sexism that took place March 28, 1984. plain 2024-11-07T02:58:58+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 30 Mar 1984 Text Lynne Kizis and Susan Pasko Reilly Hughes '23 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-12-07T20:25:54+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 1981 PWL Memo on Women's Studies Mary A Armstrong 15 This is a memo from Professor Lynn Van Dyke to PWL recommending that the organization shift from institutional activism to academic activism. It proposes organizing the seminar that eventually led to the creation of WS 101: Introduction to Women's Studies and the development of the minor in Women's Studies. plain 2024-11-07T19:46:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 23 Nov 1981 Text Carolynn Van Dyke Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2007 QuEST LGBT Manifesto Mary A Armstrong 15 This document outline the expectations/requests for Lafayette’s LGBTQ+ community as enumerated by QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos). plain 2024-11-19T22:55:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2007 Ephemera QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T19:29:16+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2009 Photo of Professor Fabian Speaking at QuEST "Gay? Fine by Me" Event Mary A Armstrong 15 Prof. Katalin Fabian (Gov Law) speaks to the crowd in Farinon Atrium at the 2009 QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) "Gay? Fine By Me" event. plain 2024-11-23T00:24:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Apr 2009 Photographic Image Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/QAP Book Project Data Collection_thumb.pdf 2020-04-16T08:05:51+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 2020 Spreadsheet of LGBTQ+ Books in the Lafayette College Library (1915 - 1975) Mary A Armstrong 15 A spreadsheet containing information related to the 59 LGBTQ+ books purchased by the college library between 1915 and 1975 plain 2024-12-24T11:34:39+00:00 16 Apr 2020 Text Bec Stargel '20 Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T21:06:04+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Easton Express, "Fraternity Party's Theme Called 'Offensive, Sexist'" Mary A Armstrong 14 This article reports on Delta Upsilon's 1981 "Back to the Womb" party, summarizes campus reactions, and describes some of the actions taken in response. plain 2024-11-07T02:08:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 27 Feb 1981 Text Nick Cristiano Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:01:02+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1998 Employee Domestic Partnership Medical Benefit Forms Mary A Armstrong 14 These two forms (certification of domestic partnership and termination of domestic partnership) are associated with the 1998 beginning of same-sex partner medical benefits at Lafayette College. plain 2024-11-08T02:35:37+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1998 Text Lafayette College Office of Human Resources Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-26T20:37:48+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 2001 Weekly Support Group Flier for Members, friends & family of the LGBTQ Communities Mary A Armstrong 14 This announcement featured in the April 27, 2001 issue of The Lafayette invites members, friends and family of the LGBTQ+ community to a weekly support group cosponsored by QuEST. plain 2024-11-19T21:49:58+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Apr 2001 Ephemera The Lafayette Newspaper Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:51:48+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 QuEST Drag Ball Invitation Mary A Armstrong 14 This is an invitation/advertisement for a Drag Ball sponsored by QuEST in 2006; Dan Reynolds '08 was QuEST President. plain 2024-11-19T22:33:16+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 02 Dec 2006 Text QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-09T20:22:55+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "Fighting Homophobia: Initial Efforts to Create Institutional and Systemic Change at Lafayette College to better the Environment for the Gay Community 1993-2000" Mary A Armstrong 14 This paper written by Marie Bucklin '20 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies outlines the early efforts to support LGBTQ+ students and establish a queer community at Lafayette. plain 2024-12-24T11:26:25+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Marie Bucklin '20 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T20:51:24+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "Degradation of Anyone is Inherently Disgusting," "D.U. Must Be Held Responsible," and "Equality" Mary A Armstrong 13 This piece includes three letters to the editor of The Lafayette expressing outrage and frustration over the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. plain 2024-11-07T02:31:42+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 06 Mar 1981 Text The Professional Women of Lafayette, Mindy Lieberman '81, JodiLee Mesirow '81, Bernie Fitzgerald '81, Mark Mulholland '81, Tim McAndrew '81 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-12T20:56:53+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "DU Required to Contribute $1000 by Conduct Committee" Mary A Armstrong 13 This article focuses on the requirements for Delta Upsilon by the school in the wake of the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. plain 2024-11-07T02:33:48+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 27 Mar 1981 Text Joseph Rogers Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T20:46:34+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Morning Call , "Womb' Party at Lafayette Investigated as 'Offensive'" Mary A Armstrong 13 This article gives a general overview of the "Back to the Womb" party and the general reactions on campus. plain 2024-11-07T02:36:06+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 28 Feb 1981 Text Andrea Axelrod Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-12T20:32:35+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Threshing Floor, "Backsides..." Mary A Armstrong 13 This issue of the newsletter calls on students to voice their concerns to the administration regarding their social climate on campus in the wake of the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. The issue also addresses sexual harassment and how it is and should be dealt with on campus. plain 2024-11-07T02:38:22+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 09 Apr 1981 Text Dean Kissiah, The Office of the Chaplain Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2022-10-18T17:49:21+00:00 Anastacia Negron 8f89167ccfb1bd3dea2e7a4dcf2b4c873bd5fef9 1994 Photo of "Closet on the Quad" Mary A Armstrong 13 This is a photograph of the "Closet on the Quad" sponsored by FLAGB as part of National Coming Out Day in 1994. plain 2024-11-08T02:21:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 14 Oct 1994 Photographic Image The Lafayette Newspaper Anastacia Negron '23 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T19:45:40+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Photo of "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Crowd Mary A Armstrong 13 This is a photo of the participants in the 2006 "Gay? Fine By Me" rally. plain 2024-11-19T22:29:59+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Photographic Image Daniel Reynolds Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette - March 2, 2018 __ Lafayette Digital Repository_thumb.pdf 2024-09-29T22:31:52+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 Janet Mock Signed Event Poster Mary A Armstrong 13 This is a poster advertising LGBTQ History Month's keynote speech from trans activist Janet Mock sponsored by Gender & Sexuality Programs. The poster has been signed by Mock. plain 2024-12-14T20:35:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2016 Ephemera Gender & Sexuality Programs Mary A. Armstrong, Nathan Hansford '25 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2009 “Love Your Inner Lesbian” Poster Nathan Hansford 12 A poster distributed by QuEST via Gender and Sexuality Programs (GSP) at Lafayette College. The poster reads, “Love Your Inner Lesbian,” with the text superimposed on a graphic image of a figure. plain 2024-07-10T19:29:39+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2009 Ephemera Stonewall [LGBTQ+ Activist Organization in the UK] Charlotte Nunes Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-04-13T20:49:30+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Photo of AIDS Quilt Viewing in Kirby Field House Mary A Armstrong 12 This image is taken from above and shows people observing the AIDS quilt in Kirby Field House in 1992. plain 2024-09-27T16:15:07+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1992 Photographic Image Unknown Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T20:58:10+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "The True Issue: Degradation of Humanity" and "Irritated Male" Mary A Armstrong 12 Two letters to the editor on the attendance of the DU "Back to the Womb" party. The first letter (left) calls for a look at the implications of the party despite its attendance while the second (right) discusses how people should have left if they were offended. plain 2024-11-07T02:34:34+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 06 Mar 1981 Text John Michel, Frank V. Pope Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T19:12:19+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1988 The Lafayette, "AIDS panel comes to Lafayette for discussion" Mary A Armstrong 12 Article published in The Lafayette student newspaper on April 29th, 1988 detailing an AIDS panel that came to Lafayette. plain 2024-11-07T19:33:36+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Apr 1988 Text Melissa Lennon Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-13T20:39:16+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Announcement Describing "The AIDS Memorial Quilt at Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 12 This announcement records a detailed plan for the on-campus AIDS quilt display that occurred April 26, 27, and 28, 1992. plain 2024-11-07T19:36:35+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives Apr 1992 Text The NAMES Project Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:50:07+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 CAMPUS, "The Quilt" Mary A Armstrong 12 This article describes the campus reaction to the 1992 on-campus display of the AIDS Quilt and the future places it will be displayed. plain 2024-11-07T19:39:22+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 May 1992 Text CAMPUS Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:46:02+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Friends of the Quilt at Lafayette Beneficiary Organizations Announcement Mary A Armstrong 12 This document announces the four Lehigh Valley organizations to benefit from proceeds from Friends of the Quilt at Lafayette’s 1992 display of the AIDS Memorial quilt: AIDS Outreach, AIDS Services Center, the Latino AIDS Outreach Program, and the Religious Coalition on AIDS. plain 2024-11-07T19:40:26+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 26 Apr 1992 Text Friends of the Quilt at Lafayette Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:03:23+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 The Morning Call, "AIDS quilt ends stay at Lafayette" Mary A Armstrong 12 This article describes the impact and purpose of the AIDS Quilt display from the perspective of the Lehigh Valley community, as well as the Lehigh Valley additions to the quilt. plain 2024-11-08T02:18:30+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Apr 1992 Text Joe Nixon Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-03-25T19:54:51+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2003 Dave Pallone “Who’s Really on First?” Event Flier Mary A Armstrong 12 This 2003 flier promotes MLB umpire Dave Pallone's talk about homophobia and his experiences in professional athletics. This event was sponsored by LAF (Lafayette Activities Forum) and QuEST. plain 2024-11-19T21:53:34+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Apr 2003 Ephemera LAF, QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:31:09+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 2004 The Lafayette, "QuEST member reacts to survey" Mary A Armstrong 12 QuEST member on survey of student support for gay marriage and campus environment plain 2024-11-19T22:23:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 05 Mar 2004 Text Bradley Knote Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:14:40+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 2009 "Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!" Poster Mary A Armstrong 12 A poster distributed by QuEST via Gender and Sexuality Programs (GSP) at Lafayette College. The poster reads, "Some People Are Gay. Get Over It!" plain 2024-11-23T00:25:35+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2009 Ephemera Stonewall [LGBTQ+ Activist Organization in the UK] Courtney Howell '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-02-25T21:51:09+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2018 QPOC Art Fest Flier Mary A Armstrong 12 Flier to advertise QPOC's (Queer People of Color) art event and its intention to create space for people of color in the arts. plain 2024-12-24T11:24:23+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 30 Nov 2018 Ephemera QPOC (Queer People of Color) Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/PDF.js viewer_thumb.pdf 2024-04-12T17:42:49+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 1989 Lafayette Alumni News, “Riley Temple ‘71: Education is ‘silver bullet’ in AIDS fight” Eva Donato 11 This article describes Riley Temple's involvement with the Whitman-Walker Clinic. plain 2024-09-27T17:31:14+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Oct 1989 Text Peter Hardin Eva Donato '26 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b
- 1 2022-12-09T15:56:00+00:00 Anastacia Negron 8f89167ccfb1bd3dea2e7a4dcf2b4c873bd5fef9 1981 Administrative Correspondence Regarding Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" Party Mary A Armstrong 11 This series of letters are related to the institutional aftermath of Delta Upsilon's 1981 "Back to the Womb" Party. plain 2024-11-07T01:28:10+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 02 Mar 1981 Text Winfield Keck, Douglas H. MacEwan Jr., The Brothers of Delta Upsilon, Herman Kissiah, Susan Basow, Sheila Baisden, Carolyn Van Dyke and 12 faculty members, and the Professional Women of Lafayette Anastacia Negron '23 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-25T23:25:14+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 Alumni Quarterly, "The Wrong Theme" Mary A Armstrong 11 This article outlines the nature of DU's 1981 "Back to the Womb" party, as well as the general campus reactions and initial Student Conduct Committee decision. plain 2024-11-07T01:29:04+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 01 Jun 1981 Text Alumni Quarterly Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-25T23:21:38+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 Statements to the Appeals Committee from Delta Upsilon and the Association of Social Living Groups Protesting the Initial Punishment for the "Back to the Womb" Party. Mary A Armstrong 11 This document combines two statements to the Appeals Committee arguing that the initial punishment for the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. The Brothers of Delta Upsilon argue that DU should not be singled out when issues of insensitivity are widespread on campus.; the Association of Social Living Groups argues that the $1000 fine is excessive. plain 2024-11-07T02:02:19+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 16 Apr 1981 Text Brothers of Delta Upsilon and the Association of Social Living Groups Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T20:41:00+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "DU Party Draws Angry Response from Many in College Community" and Related Letters to the Editor Mary A Armstrong 11 This article includes a piece on the general nature of Delta Upsilon's "Back to the Womb" party and reactions as well as a few letters to the editor from brothers of Delta Upsilon and offended parties. plain 2024-11-07T02:32:52+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Feb 1981 Text Richard Burke Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T20:28:39+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "Things Are Not So Simple" Mary A Armstrong 11 An opinion on Delta Upsilon's "Back to the Womb" party, arguing to look beyond this party and Delta Upsilon in particular but rather at larger campus cultures. plain 2024-11-07T02:35:17+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Feb 1981 Text R.L.S. Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:26:11+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Bailey Health Center Flier for Reduced Cost Confidential AIDS Testing Mary A Armstrong 11 This flier advertises confidential AIDS testing at a reduced cost at Bailey Health Center from April 27 to May 1, 1992, the week following the AIDS Quilt display. plain 2024-11-07T19:37:30+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives Apr 1992 Ephemera Bailey Health Center Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:53:57+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Lafayette Alumni News, "Taking it personally: Memorial quilt display sensitizes campus and community to the tragedy of AIDS" Mary A Armstrong 11 This article describes the campus reaction to the display of the AIDS Quilt and the purpose behind the display. plain 2024-11-07T19:41:08+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 May 1992 Text Lafayette Alumni News Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:57:00+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 The Express-Times, "AIDS quilt display touches Lafayette" Mary A Armstrong 11 This article describes the impact and purpose of the 1992 AIDS Quilt display from the perspective of the Lehigh Valley community. plain 2024-11-08T02:13:31+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Apr 1992 Text Susan Basilone Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:54:59+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 The Morning Call, "Unfolding of AIDS quilt at Lafayette stirs emotions" Mary A Armstrong 11 This article describes the impact and purpose of the Quilt display from the perspective of the Lehigh Valley community. plain 2024-11-08T02:19:27+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 April 1992 Text Kathleen Bercaw Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/lafsafezone_FB_Janet Mock and Quest students_thumb.pdf 2024-12-09T21:45:43+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2016 Photo of Facebook Page featuring Janet Mock with student Safe Zone coordinators Mary A Armstrong 11 This is a photo of author and trans activist Janet Mock at her event "Up Close and Personal with Janet Mock" which took place in Colton Chapel on October 27, 2016. She is pictured with three students (l to r): Sara Mudrick '18, Rachna Bal '19 and Jamie Taber '19, who are Safe Zone coordinators and Quest Board members. plain 2024-12-15T15:59:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2019 Photographic Image Lafayette Safe Zone (Quest) Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-12T20:47:35+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2017 Student Paper, "Gender Segregation and Compulsory Heterosexuality in Sororities" Mary A Armstrong 11 This paper written by Fatima Akbar '18 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies explores the concept and organization of sororities as institutions that enforce gender and compulsory heterosexuality. plain 2024-12-22T21:12:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Fatima Akbar '18 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T19:50:11+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "Stick to your Gender Role or Urine Trouble: A History of Bathrooms at Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 11 This paper written by Sara Hayet '18 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, focuses on the policies and discourse around restroom usage at Lafayette College. plain 2024-12-24T11:28:03+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Sara Hayet '18 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2020-04-16T07:52:48+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 2020 Video of LGBTQ+ Books Available at Lafayette College (1915-1975) Mary A Armstrong 11 This video illustrates the availability of books concerning LGBTQ+ identities/behaviors for students in Skillman Library from 1915 to 1975. Audio from Riley Temple's '71 interview and music is "Slow Motion" from plain 2024-12-24T11:35:45+00:00 16 Apr 2020 Video Bec Stargel '20 Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2015 QuEST Equality Rally T-Shirt Nathan Hansford 10 This t-shirt was handed out to participants during the 2015 Equality Rally held by Quest. plain 2024-07-12T21:41:01+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 30 April 2015 Physical Object Quest Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-05-04T21:00:10+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1968 Lafayette Alumnus Special Supplement and Questionnaire, "Coeducation: Is It For Lafayette?" Mary A Armstrong 10 This article displays charts of the financial costs of coeducation at Lafayette and includes an alumni questionnaire on coeducation. plain 2024-11-07T01:23:38+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Apr 1968 Text Lafayette Alumnus Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:42:29+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1969 Lafayette Alumnus News, "Changes, Changes, Changes" Mary A Armstrong 10 This article relays the College's decision to admit women to the alumni. plain 2024-11-07T01:25:26+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Oct 1969 Text Lafayette Alumnus News Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T21:01:28+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 The Lafayette, "Code of Conduct Examined To Set Up Guidelines for Behavior" and "'Back to the Womb Night' Generates More Response" Mary A Armstrong 10 Both included articles discuss the action being taken or called for in response to the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. plain 2024-11-07T02:30:45+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 06 Mar 1981 Text Martin Laiks, Joseph Rogers Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T18:57:12+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1987 The Lafayette, "Is Our Hill Any Safer?" Mary A Armstrong 10 Campus Connection section of The Lafayette describing how a student at Lehigh was diagnosed as HIV positive and questioning if College Hill is any safer. plain 2024-11-07T19:31:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 May 1987 Text Scott Wilde Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T18:39:41+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1988 The Lafayette, "AIDS outreach group formed" Mary A Armstrong 10 Article published in The Lafayette student newspaper about the forming on April 22nd, 1988 about the forming of an AIDS outreach group on campus. plain 2024-11-07T19:33:00+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 22 Apr 1988 Text The Lafayette Newspaper Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T19:48:33+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Brochure of AIDS Quilt Display Schedule Mary A Armstrong 10 This schedule outlines the events hosted in relation to the April 1992 on-campus display of the AIDS Quilt. plain 2024-11-07T19:38:26+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives Apr 1992 Ephemera Friends of the Quilt at Lafayette Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:12:41+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Press Release Concerning Baritone William Parker’s AIDS Quilt Performance Mary A Armstrong 10 This is a press release concerning William Parker’s performance at the AIDS Quilt events on Lafayette College’s campus April 27, 1992. It details all the notable performances throughout the event. plain 2024-11-07T19:48:30+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 April 1992 Text Lafayette College Public Information Office Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T18:26:56+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 2001 The Lafayette, "Students desire more AIDS awareness" Mary A Armstrong 10 This article, published April 20th, 2001, describes students complaints about lack of HIV/AIDS education and awareness on campus. plain 2024-11-19T21:48:59+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 20 Apr 2001 Text Caroline Marie Eshman Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2007-2008 QuEST Goals Mary A Armstrong 10 This document outlines the goals and activities for QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) for the 2007-2008 academic year. plain 2024-11-19T23:00:01+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 2007 Text QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2008-2009 QuEST Goals Mary A Armstrong 10 This document outlines the goals and activities for QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) for the 2008-2009 academic year. plain 2024-11-23T00:22:12+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 2008 Text QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-12T21:02:32+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2015 Student Paper: "Discourse of HIV/AIDS at Lafayette between 1989-1997 in relation to sexual behavior and effect on awareness of the campus" Mary A Armstrong 10 This paper for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, written by Kendall Berry '15 discusses conversation and discourse at Lafayette surrounding the HIV/AIDS epidemic. plain 2024-12-14T20:07:43+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 13 May 2015 Text Kendall Berry '15 Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:28:05+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "A History of Fraternities and Sexual Assault: How Hyper-Masculinity and Over-the-Top Heterosexuality Perpetuate Rape Culture on College Campuses" Mary A Armstrong 10 This paper for the WGS340: Sexuality Studies course written by Jennie Richardson '20 discusses the interplay between masculinity, heterosexuality, and Greek Life through the context of sexual assault. plain 2024-12-24T11:25:42+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Jennie Richardson '20 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:13:40+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "The Heteronormative Structures of Greek Life at Lafayette" Mary A Armstrong 10 This paper written by Lexi Long '20 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies explores the connections between heterosexuality, heteronormativity, and Greek Life on Lafayette's campus. plain 2024-12-24T11:28:44+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Lexi Long '20 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:01:17+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1996 "Friendship in the Age of AIDS" Flier Nathan Hansford 9 Flier advertising the 1996 "Friendship in the Age of AIDS" event, sponsored by the Greek Community, the Office of Student Residence, and the HIV/AIDS Task Force. plain 2024-06-25T00:47:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 1996 Ephemera HIV/AIDS Task Force Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-09-28T15:52:56+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 1992 Princeton Review Excerpt Nathan Hansford 9 This excerpt puts Lafayette College at the top of a list of the nation's most homophobic campuses. plain 2024-07-10T20:47:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1992 Text Tom Meltzer, Zach Knower, John Katzman Charlotte Nunes Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-12-11T03:18:32+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 1982 Women's Studies Seminar Proposal to the Mellon Foundation Nathan Hansford 9 This is most of the original (successfully funded) Mellon Foundation Summer Seminar grant proposal that was written by Lafayette faculty interested in the emergent field of Women's Studies. It lists the original materials used by the first WS-related faculty group at Lafayette. plain 2024-07-10T20:51:29+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1982 Text C. Drake and S. Schlau Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-11-30T20:06:24+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "Reproductive 'Choices' at Lafayette College" Nathan Hansford 9 This paper written by Nicole Lauricella '18 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies deals with the stigma surrounding reproductive health on Lafayette's campus. plain 2024-09-06T18:24:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Nicole Lauricella '18 Jennifer Wellnitz Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-12-07T20:41:22+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 1983 Easton Express, "New perspective of their place in history" Nathan Hansford 9 This article reports on efforts to create and develop Women's Studies courses at Lafayette. plain 2024-09-06T19:00:23+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collection & College Archives 01 Nov 1983 Text Margaret Regan Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-11-30T20:21:09+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 The Lafayette, Letter to the Editor on the "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 9 This letter outlines QuEST's disappointment with a lack of coverage by the newspaper as well as the decision to write an article insert to be placed in all printed copies of the newspaper. plain 2024-10-22T01:17:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Nov 2006 Text QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/lafayette_newspaper_1974_11_08_OBJ_thumb.pdf 2024-09-06T18:08:31+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 1974 The Lafayette, Letter to the Editor, "A Reply to Gays" Mary A Armstrong 9 This is a letter to the editor from The Lafayette Newspaper that condemns the Gay Association plain 2024-10-22T01:21:01+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 Nov 1974 Text S.W. Ferguson Eva Donato '26 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/22 Mar 1996 - Safe Zone_thumb.pdf 2024-10-18T18:33:53+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 1996 The Lafayette "Talking about sexuality: FLAGB initiates 'Safe Zones'" Mary A Armstrong 9 This article from the Lafayette newspaper is the first mention of "Safe Zones" being brought to Lafayette campus through the student organization FLAGB. plain 2024-10-27T12:08:00+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives 22 Mar 1996 Text Kim Leeder Eva Donato '26 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T18:46:34+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1987 The Lafayette, "Deal with the crisis" Mary A Armstrong 9 Letter to the editor of The Lafayette student newspaper titled, "Deal with the Crisis", about the AIDS crisis and its personal effects on students published on May 8th, 1987. plain 2024-11-07T19:30:58+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 May 1987 Text Carolyn Volpe Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T19:08:51+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1988 The Lafayette, "'Casual Sex' and AIDS" Mary A Armstrong 9 Film review published in The Lafayette student newspaper over the movie, "Casual Sex?", and its strengths and weaknesses navigating the AIDS epidemic. plain 2024-11-07T19:34:38+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Apr 1988 Text The Lafayette Newspaper Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-12-07T20:52:36+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 1981 PWL Reading List for Women's Studies 101 Mary A Armstrong 9 This is a reading list developed and used by PWL as they worked together to develop the first Women's Studies course at Lafayette (WS 101). plain 2024-11-07T19:44:19+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collection & College Archives 23 Nov 1981 Text Carolynn Van Dyke Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T19:41:20+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1996 Dean of Students Memo to the HIV/AIDS Task Force Mary A Armstrong 9 This is a memo sent from the the Dean of Students to the HIV/AIDS Task Force detailing their next meeting and an upcoming trip to Mercy Adult Services Residential Facility in Philadelphia. plain 2024-11-08T02:24:55+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 Nov 1996 Text Robert R. Smith Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2002-2003 QuEST Goals Mary A Armstrong 9 This document outlines the goals for QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) for the 2002-2003 academic year. plain 2024-11-19T21:52:44+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 2002 Text QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2004 QuEST Day of Silence Letter to Faculty Mary A Armstrong 9 This letter explains the purpose of QuEST’s (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) Day of Silence event and asks faculty to be understanding of students who are participating and encourages them to show support. A copy of this document was also submitted to The Lafayette as a Letter to the Editor for the March 26th, 2004 issue. plain 2024-11-19T22:22:24+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Mar 2004 Text QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-16T20:45:30+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 2006 Photo of Rev. Colatch Speaking at "Gay? Fine by Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 9 This is an image of Rev. John Colatch speaking at the "Gay? Fine by Me." rally. QuEST President Daniel Reynolds '08 can be seen in the background of the photo. plain 2024-11-19T22:31:34+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Image Daniel Reynolds Courtney Howell '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:13+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2006 QuEST "Gay? Fine By Me" Event T-shirt Mary A Armstrong 9 Photo of t-shirt handed out during the 2006 Gay Fine By Me Rally held by QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos). On the upper right corner of the t-shirt, a button with the event slogan is pinned. plain 2024-11-19T22:34:35+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Physical Object QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-26T20:07:01+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2015 Survey for Athletics Coaches on Team Attitudes Toward LGBTQ+ Athletes Mary A Armstrong 9 This 2015 survey of coaches sought to assess attitudes towards LGBTQ+ athletes and issues of sexual orientation in Lafayette Athletics. plain 2024-12-14T20:20:23+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2015 Text Student Athlete Well Being Committee Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-26T20:31:22+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2017 Student Paper: "The Creation of Heterosexuality in Fraternities: A Case Study of the 'Back to the Womb' Party Held by Delta Upsilon Fraternity at Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 9 This paper written by Ciara Regan '18 outlines the interplays of masculinity, sexuality, and male bonding, especially among fraternity men, and how all of these ideas can be played out through the objectification and sexualization of women. The paper looks to the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party as an example of how these relationships play out. plain 2024-12-22T21:15:36+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Ciara Regan '18 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:48:29+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "How Lafayette's Health Services Have Improved with Changing Societal Views about Female Sexuality." Mary A Armstrong 9 This paper written by Rediet Siyoum '19 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies explores the evolution of healthcare at Lafayette in the context of female reproductive health. plain 2024-12-24T11:27:22+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Rediet Siyoum Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/try_thumb.png 2020-04-19T06:20:55+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 1970 (c.) Marginalia in "Female Homosexuality" (1967) Mary A Armstrong 8 Title page of the book "Female Homosexuality: A Psycho-dynamic Study of Lesbianism" (1967) with the words "Try it! You'll Like it!" written in red ink. plain 2024-10-22T01:11:51+00:00 Lafayette College Library April 2020 Book Unknown Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Photo of Student Posing with Drag Queen at Condom Bingo_thumb.JPG 2024-05-03T17:52:06+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2023 Photo of Condom Bingo Drag Performer with Student Nathan Hansford 8 Photograph of student posed with drag queen in Marquis Hall after performance at Condom Bingo. Event sponsored by OUT Lafayette. plain 2024-10-27T21:37:33+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 Nov 2023 Photographic Image Ian Brown ‘24 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-10-25T22:49:30+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1985 Memo to Dean of Students Regarding Delta Upsilon Reckless Behavior Mary A Armstrong 8 This memo outlines a reaction to an incident in which brothers of Delta Upsilon were vandalizing and damaging a student's car outside of the Black Cultural Center, in front of prospective students. This memo reprimands the administration for not responding appropriately and refers to the incident as racial. plain 2024-11-07T19:28:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 14 Nov 1985 Text Sheila Baisden Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-02T19:02:52+00:00 Makaela Finley f9df8c3809aa4c0678d7f7f0c0d6e565b8494d10 1988 The Lafayette, "AIDS education an urgent priority" Mary A Armstrong 8 Article published in The Lafayette student newspaper on April 29th, 1988 recognizing the AIDS Outreach initiative and emphasizing the importance on continuing AIDS education. plain 2024-11-07T19:32:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Apr 1988 Text The Lafayette Newspaper Makaela Finley '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:21:21+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Memo to Greek Life Presidents Concerning AIDS Quilt Ceremony Attendance Mary A Armstrong 8 This memo encourages fraternity and sorority presidents to have their groups attend the opening ceremony for the AIDS quilt and to wear Greek letters. plain 2024-11-07T19:35:40+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 22 Apr 1992 Text Dennis Alimena Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-12-11T03:09:17+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 1992 Memo to the Lehigh Valley Association of Independent Colleges consortium regarding Lafayette Women's Studies Program Mary A Armstrong 8 This is a memo written to Carol Shiner Wilson, an Associate of the LVAIC consortium, regarding the value of Women's Studies at Lafayette College. The cross-institutional comparative chart mentioned has been lost. plain 2024-11-07T19:43:35+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 22 Jun 1992 Text Carolynn Van Dyke Mary A Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:18:20+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Press Release Concerning Student Participation in AIDS Awareness Day Mary A Armstrong 8 This is a press release concerning campus and local school district participation in AIDS Awareness day, including the viewing of the quilt. plain 2024-11-07T19:55:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Apr 1992 Text Lafayette College Public Information Office Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-26T20:33:28+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1994 The Lafayette, "Unsung Leopard Cindy Brolin '96" Mary A Armstrong 8 An article describing the merits of Cindy Brolin, the president of FLAG (Friends of Lesbians and Gays). plain 2024-11-08T02:23:38+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 15 Apr 1994 Text Heather Braun Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T19:47:34+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1998 Letter to College Employees About Change in Domestic Partner Policy Mary A Armstrong 8 This letter describes a change in domestic partner policy surrounding employees' relationships. plain 2024-11-08T02:36:21+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 11 Jun 1998 Text Leslie F. Muhlfelder Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:28:23+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Daniel Reynolds Speech at "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 8 This is a transcript of a speech given by QuEST President Daniel Reynolds at the 2006 "Gay? Fine By Me" rally. plain 2024-11-19T22:27:04+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Text Daniel Reynolds Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T19:49:55+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Photo of "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Participants Mary A Armstrong 8 This is an image of four participants in the "Gay? Fine By Me" rally. plain 2024-11-19T22:30:47+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Oct 2006 Photographic Image Daniel Reynolds Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:13:48+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Unofficial The Lafayette Insert Covering the "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 8 This is an article insert covering the "Gay? Fine By Me" rally that was surreptitiously placed in all 600 copies of The Lafayette by QuEST officers in response to the fact that the newspaper would not cover the rally. The article describes the events of the rally. plain 2024-11-19T22:36:30+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Nov 2006 Text QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2023-02-10T16:34:05+00:00 Reilly Hughes 59cad5e9ee7a52bea34d9c733e9dabe0a98bdde0 2011 George Mundorf '70 High School Reunion Letter Mary A Armstrong 8 This open letter addresses Mundorf's classmates from Fort Lee High School regarding his personal experiences of bullying because of being associated with the LGBTQ+ community plain 2024-11-24T14:28:17+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2011 Text George Mundorf '70 Reilly Hughes '23 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:39:43+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2013 Equality Rally Photo (detail) Mary A Armstrong 8 This image depicts participants in the 2013 Equality Rally posed for a photo on the steps of Skillman Library, hosted by Quest. plain 2024-12-09T18:42:19+00:00 Lafayette College Communications 01 May 2013 Photographic Image Ken White Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:13+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2013 Equality Rally T-Shirt Mary A Armstrong 8 Photo of the t-shirt handed out during the 2013 Equality Rally held by QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos). plain 2024-12-09T18:43:10+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 May 2013 Physical Object QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-02-26T03:58:32+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2017 Behind Closed Doors Flier Mary A Armstrong 8 General advertisement for Behind Closed Doors (BCD) labeling it as a safe and confidential space for students questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. plain 2024-12-15T16:01:05+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2017 Ephemera BCD Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2017 QuEST Equality Rally Flier Mary A Armstrong 8 This flier invites participation in Quest's equality rally in support of LGBTQ+ students on April 21st, 2017. plain 2024-12-15T16:03:10+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Apr 2017 Ephemera Quest Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2017 QuEST Equality Rally T-Shirt Mary A Armstrong 8 This t-shirt was handed out to participants during the 2017 Equality Rally organized by Quest. plain 2024-12-15T16:04:39+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Apr 2017 Physical Object Quest Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:39:44+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "The Use of the Word 'Queer' as an Identity: A Look at How The Lafayette Newspaper have Incorporated "Queer" into the Everyday Discourse" Mary A Armstrong 8 This paper written by Mario Sanchez '21 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies looks at the use of the word "Queer" in The Lafayette newspaper and how it has evolved over time. plain 2024-12-24T11:30:14+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Mario Sanchez '21 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T19:58:56+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "There's No Grey Area: Lafayette College Policies on Sexual Harassment, Assault and Rape" Mary A Armstrong 8 This paper written by Courtney Howell '20 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies discusses the history and implications of the sexual harassment and assault policy at Lafayette College. plain 2024-12-24T11:30:57+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2018 Text Courtney Howell '20 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2023-04-28T14:28:53+00:00 Reilly Hughes 59cad5e9ee7a52bea34d9c733e9dabe0a98bdde0 2020-2021 Aetna Student Health Plan Covers Gender Affirming Care Mary A Armstrong 8 Lafayette College's student health and benefits plan through Aetna incorporates gender affirming care in its coverage. plain 2024-12-24T11:37:06+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 2020 Text Aetna Student Health Reilly Hughes '23 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Lafayette Newspaper, Letter to the Editor, Nov 15, 1974, _Right Or Wrong__thumb.pdf 2024-09-06T18:56:56+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1974 The Lafayette, Letter to the Editor, "Right or Wrong" Nathan Hansford 8 This is a letter written by a student Ped Fisher defending the formation of the Gay Association by Chaplin Gary Miller. plain 2025-02-28T15:38:22+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 15 Nov 1974 Text Ped Fisher Eva Donato '26 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-11-06T21:34:35+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2014 "The Gay Agenda" Daily Planner Nathan Hansford 7 This planner, distributed by the student group QuEST, features rainbow-patterned front and back covers and quotes on the inside covers by Harvey Milk and Neil Patrick Harris. plain 2024-06-25T00:51:29+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collection & College Archives 2014 Physical Object Quest Charlotte Nunes Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1996 Safe Intrigued Article and LE response _thumb.pdf 2024-10-18T18:42:26+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 1996 The Lafayette, "The Class of 2000 challenge," and related Letter to the Editor Mary A Armstrong 7 This is an article from the Lafayette Newspaper responding to The Princeton Review's 1992 rating of Lafayette as the “most homophobic college in America” and urging the Class of 2000 to become Safe Zone certified, and a subsequent Letter to the Editor opposing the suggestion. plain 2024-10-27T12:10:12+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives Nov 1996 Text Peter Theodore, Nat LeTowt Eva Donato '26 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:45:07+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1969 Lafayette Alumnus, "Who's in Charge?" Mary A Armstrong 7 This article describes the reactions of alumni to coeducation. plain 2024-11-07T01:26:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Apr 1969 Text Lafayette Alumnus Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-17T21:11:05+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 Student Conduct Report on the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" Party Mary A Armstrong 7 This report describes the disciplinary action taken in response to conduct charges against Delta Upsilon for their "Back to the Womb" party. plain 2024-11-07T02:04:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 24 Mar 1981 Text Committee on Student Conduct Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:09:42+00:00 Rediet Siyoum fa0c64bd5edf2648d19ecfaf38e13adb3479a80c 1992 Press Release Concerning Displaying the AIDS Quilt Mary A Armstrong 7 This is a press release announcing Lafayette’s intentions and plans to display the AIDS Quilt and the motivations behind it. plain 2024-11-07T19:49:48+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 28 Feb 1992 Text Lafayette College Public Information Office Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-04-06T20:13:33+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1992 Press Release Concerning Student Organizers of AIDS Quilt Display Mary A Armstrong 7 This is a press release detailing the student organizers who worked to bring the AIDS Quilt to Lafayette’s campus. plain 2024-11-07T19:50:46+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Apr 1992 Text Lafayette College Public Information Office Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T19:30:28+00:00 Courtney Howell 3eb2bcf338d14b262406255837ccef6024b60847 1996 Report on Domestic Partner Benefits Mary A Armstrong 7 This is a report on domestic partner benefits given by the Faculty Compensation Committee. plain 2024-11-08T02:26:10+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 26 Mar 1996 Text Susan Basow Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2004-2005 QuEST Budget Proposal Mary A Armstrong 7 This is a description of QuEST's (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) function as an organization as a request for its 2004-2005 budget. plain 2024-11-19T22:24:37+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 2004 Text QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:37:08+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 "Gay? Fine By Me" LINC Event Proposal Mary A Armstrong 7 This is a Lafayette Intercultural Networking Council (LINC) proposal for the "Gay? Fine By Me" t-shirt campaign that outlines the timeline, budget, marketing plan, cosponsors, and nature of the entire campaign. plain 2024-11-19T22:27:48+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives Oct 2006 Text QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:00:27+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Outline of Events Between QuEST and The Lafayette Following "Gay? Fine By Me" Rally Mary A Armstrong 7 This document is a record kept by QuEST about their interactions with The Lafayette regarding coverage of the "Gay? Fine By Me" rally. Included is an email from a writer on the newspaper to QuEST, notes on a decision made by QuEST to meet with the editors of the newspaper, and notes from the meeting with the editors. plain 2024-11-19T22:28:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2006 Text QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/1992 The Lafayette, Homophobia Jen Kosmela Letter to the Editor_thumb.pdf 2024-10-04T18:56:30+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1992 The Lafayette, Letter to the Editor, Response to Princeton Review Nathan Hansford 7 A letter to the editor in The Lafayette responding to the Princeton Review's 1992 ranking of Lafayette as the most homophobic campus in the United States and a recommendation for a campus sponsored event raising awareness of heterosexism at Lafayette. plain 2024-11-20T00:17:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 06 Nov 1992 Text Jennifer Kosmela Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-10-02T21:39:55+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2009 The Lafayette, "On the Spot: What do you think is the future for Greek life at Lafayette?" Mary A Armstrong 7 This article features a photo of Bryan C. Fox and his response to what the future of Greek life is at Lafayette. plain 2024-11-23T00:27:03+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 04 Sep 2009 Text Jackie Parodi Kelsey Moum Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-02-15T15:45:14+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2009-2010 QuEST Constitution Mary A Armstrong 7 This is the constitution of QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos), describing it's function as an organization as a request for its 2009-2010 budget. plain 2024-11-24T14:25:36+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 2009 Ephemera QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-22T21:05:59+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2013 Equality Rally Photo, "A Lafayette moment" Mary A Armstrong 7 This captioned photo of participants at the 2013 Equality Rally is featured as a two page spread in the Summer 2013 issue of the Lafayette Alumni Magazine. plain 2024-12-09T18:33:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 01 May 2013 Photographic Image Chuck Zovko Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-22T20:57:08+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2013 Lafayette Magazine, "Equality Rally" Mary A Armstrong 7 This letter by Riley Temple, published in the Fall 2013 issue of the Lafayette Alumni Magazine, addresses and praises the 2013 Equality Rally. plain 2024-12-09T18:36:01+00:00 Lafayette College Communications 01 Oct 2013 Text Riley Temple Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:59:34+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "Black Manifesto to QuEST Manifesto" Mary A Armstrong 7 This paper for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, written by Shanequa Lassiter '14 outlines the history of dialogue and activism around LGBTQ issues at Lafayette College. plain 2024-12-09T18:49:27+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Shanequa Lassiter '14 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:44:40+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "LGBTQ and the Princeton Review" Mary A Armstrong 7 This paper written by Deja Washington '14 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, links the Princeton Review article naming Lafayette College as one of the most homophobic campuses in the United States to the positive marketing that can come from being labeled LGBTQ-friendly. plain 2024-12-09T18:51:39+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Deja Washington '14 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:54:42+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "The Language of Sexual Health at Lafayette College, 1970-2014" Mary A Armstrong 7 This paper written by Hollis Miller '15 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, outlines the evolution of sexual health and the discourses on campus surrounding sexual health from a revamp of health services in 1970 through 2014. plain 2024-12-09T18:53:44+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Hollis Miller '15 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette, _Big Boo Comes to Lafayette__thumb.pdf 2024-02-04T00:48:03+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2014 The Lafayette, "Big Boo [Lea DeLaria] Comes to Lafayette" Mary A Armstrong 7 This article from The Lafayette highlights when comedian and actress Lea DeLaria performed on campus. plain 2024-12-09T18:56:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 24 Oct 2014 Text The Lafayette Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T19:42:40+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2015 Student Paper: "Cur Non: An Analysis of Lafayette College's Past and Present Stances on Sexual Assault and Harassment on Campus" Mary A Armstrong 7 This paper for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies, written by Lauren Dublinsky '15 discusses Lafayette's history in its approach to address sexual assault and harassment on campus. plain 2024-12-14T20:06:37+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 13 May 2015 Text Lauren Dubinsky '15 Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2023-04-07T15:27:37+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2018 Letter from Alfred Dreher '65 Mary A Armstrong 7 Letter from a gay identified alumnus reflecting on his life experiences and written in response to the article "Coming Out" in the Fall 2018 edition of the Lafayette Magazine.. plain 2024-12-15T18:19:38+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 20 Nov 2018 Text Alfred Dreher Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:21:06+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2018 Student Paper: "The Lafayette Newspaper and HIV/AIDS: Narratives around Morality and Sexuality" Mary A Armstrong 7 This paper written by Zaki Phelan '19 for the WGS:340 course, Sexuality Studies delves into the Lafayette's coverage of the HIV/AIDS crisis and examines how the narratives expressed within cast the disease through a filter of sexual amorality. plain 2024-12-24T11:29:24+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 09 May 2018 Text Zaki Phelan '19 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Athletics LGBTQ Climate Study Summary-Coaches and Athletes_thumb.pdf 2024-02-06T03:15:23+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2015 Athletics LGBTQ+ Climate Study Results Summary Mary A Armstrong 6 This is a summary of the results of the 2015 surveys of athletes and coaches on the climate for LGBTQ+ people in Lafayette Athletics. plain 2024-04-13T17:09:14+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 Apr 2015 Text Student Athlete Well Being Committee Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T19:55:35+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1996 Dean of Students Letter Regarding "Friendship in the Age of AIDS" Event Nathan Hansford 6 This letter is an invitation to the 1996 "Friendship in the Age of AIDS" event, co-sponsored by Greek Life, The Office of Student Residence, and the HIV/AID Task Force. plain 2024-06-25T00:28:51+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Oct 1996 Text Robert R. Smith Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/Jacob Tobia Image 2_thumb.JPG 2024-04-05T17:25:15+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 Fireside Chat with Jacob Tobia Photograph Nathan Hansford 6 Photograph of Jacob Tobia in conversation with Lafayette students sitting in a circle during their “Fireside Chat” in the Marlo Room. plain 2024-06-25T00:43:27+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 13 Oct 2016 Photographic Image QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/FLAGB_1997_thumb.jpg 2022-11-18T16:04:57+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 1997 Photo of FLAGB Leaders Nathan Hansford 6 This photo features FLAGB student leaders, including Peter Theodore '97 (center front) and faculty advisor Professor Sidney Donnell (back row, far right). plain 2024-07-10T20:39:16+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1997 Photographic Image FLAGB Charlotte Nunes Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/lafayette_newspaper_2002_11_22_OBJ_thumb.pdf 2024-09-06T18:27:00+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 2002 The Lafayette, "Alix Olson brings Feminism to Farinon" Eva Donato 6 This is a Lafayette newspaper article that discusses slam poet Alix Olson's visit to Lafayette plain 2024-09-27T17:35:09+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 22 Nov 2002 Text Tiffany Dyer Eva Donato '26 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b
- 1 2022-12-02T15:42:29+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 1994 The Lafayette, Closet on the Quad related Letters to the Editor Nathan Hansford 6 This series of letters to the editor of the Lafayette addresses the activist event Closet on the Quad. plain 2024-10-04T18:49:00+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1994 Text The Lafayette editorial staff, Marshall Tawney, Sarah Barnett, and Alison Mehr Charlotte Nunes Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2018-12-07T20:13:59+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1979 The Lafayette, "Ladies Finish Strong Season With Victory Over Gettysburg" Mary A Armstrong 6 This article from the Lafayette highlights the ending of the Women's lacrosse season, featuring Catherine Hanlon. plain 2024-10-22T01:22:19+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 11 May 1979 Text Barbara Scott Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-05-04T20:50:22+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 1969 Lafayette Alumnus, "Coeducation: Is it for Lafayette?" Mary A Armstrong 6 This issue offers a variety of opinions on coeducation in the context of Lafayette College. plain 2024-11-07T01:24:34+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Jan 1969 Text Lafayette Alumnus Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-25T23:15:08+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1981 Local Church Notice on Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" Party Mary A Armstrong 6 This note from the Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Easton outlines the symbolic effects and distastefulness of the Delta Upsilon "Back to the Womb" party. plain 2024-11-07T01:34:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 Mar 1981 Text Pastor Harry A. Freebairn Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-25T23:04:00+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 1984 Student Conduct Decision in Regards to Delta Upsilon Flagpole Incident Mary A Armstrong 6 This report outlines the requirements for Delta Upsilon in response to an incident in which brothers hung an inflatable female figure from their flagpole. The punishment includes probation and a requirement for the fraternity to host events on sexual harassment open to the entire campus. plain 2024-11-07T19:27:47+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives, Record Group IV. Dean of Students, Series 2. Office Files, Subseries 1. Herman Kissiah (2001 addition), Box 6 14 Dec 1984 Text Alice Sivulich Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-10-17T01:42:26+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 1992 The Lafayette, "Filmmaker Adair speaks on living with HIV" Mary A Armstrong 6 Article published in the Lafayette Newspaper on May 24, 1992 about a documentary maker who came to campus to encourage understanding about HIV/AIDS and a series of other presentations leading up to the AIDS quilt coming to campus. plain 2024-11-08T02:14:40+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 24 May 1992 Text Brian Robb Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Lafayette Safe Zone Door Stricker-Pardee Hall-c. 2000_thumb.jpg 2024-10-27T01:44:34+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2000(c.) Photo of “Safe Zone” Door Sticker Mary A Armstrong 6 This is a photo of an early “Safe Zone” door sticker created to indicate that the occupant of the office is an “LGBT ally.” At the time this photograph was taken (2024) the sticker was still on the door of 117 Pardee Hall. plain 2024-11-08T02:29:58+00:00 Mary A. Armstrong personal collection 2000 c. Photographic Image Unknown Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T20:45:50+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2002 QuEST National Coming Out Day Flier to Lafayette Staff Mary A Armstrong 6 This flier asks for staff to support QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) and LGBTQ+ students by wearing a rainbow ribbon for National Coming Out Day in October 2002. plain 2024-11-19T21:51:38+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 3 Oct 2002 Ephemera QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-03-25T19:45:40+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2003 QuEST Coming Out Day Flier Mary A Armstrong 6 This flier invites Lafayette College campus participation in events observing National Coming Out Day in October of 2003 hosted by QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos). plain 2024-11-19T21:55:06+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 Oct 2003 Ephemera QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-10-09T21:13:05+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 2005 The Lafayette, "Trying to penetrate Lafayette's bubble of identity" Mary A Armstrong 6 This article published in The Lafayette student newspaper on April 1st, 2005 describing a panel about diversity and identity based on a discussion from a Posse retreat plain 2024-11-19T22:25:24+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 01 Apr 2005 text Megan Zaroda Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:48:47+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Photo of Daniel Reynolds '08 at the Drag Ball Mary A Armstrong 6 Photo of QuESt President Daniel Reynolds dressed in drag at QuEST's Drag Ball. plain 2024-11-19T22:29:17+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 02 Dec 2006 Photographic Image Daniel Reynolds '08 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-10-09T21:24:56+00:00 Bec Stargel c084e990642f9fc9c0fdc67999e007939ce3ab3c 2007 The Lafayette, "Danielle Bero wins Pepper Prize" Mary A Armstrong 6 This is an article published in The Lafayette student newspaper on May 4th, 2007 about Danielle Bero, Posse scholar and founder of W.O.R.D.S. winning the Pepper Prize plain 2024-11-19T22:55:44+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 04 May 2007 text Adriane Marcellus Bec Stargel '20 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Feminism Photography Project Photos_thumb.pdf 2024-09-11T20:54:42+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2014 "I need feminism because..." Photography Project Mary A Armstrong 6 Image 1: A photograph of student Ashli Austin '15 for a Gender and Sexuality project on the importance of feminism. (Text: “I am a feminist because we should embrace our differences, not condemn them.”) Image 3: A photograph of student Heather Hughes '15. (Text: “I need feminism because gender is a bad joke we’ve all taken too seriously.”) Image 4: A photograph of Professor Tara Gilligan. (Text: “I need feminism because… I just taught a class on genderphobia in hip hop lyrics, and my students sent me enough examples to fill a semester.”) Image 5: A photograph of Dean Gene Kelly. (Text: “I need feminism because… homophobia can not be ended without first ending sexism. Another male for equality for women!”) Image 6: A photograph of student Shanequa Lassiter '14. (Text: “I need feminism because as a queer woman of color my voice is still excluded from major decisions.”) plain 2024-12-09T18:48:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2014 Photographic Image Gender and Sexuality Programs (GSP) Rediet Siyoum Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette, _Coming out__thumb.pdf 2024-02-04T01:16:30+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2014 The Lafayette, "Coming Out" Mary A Armstrong 6 This article from The Lafayette explored how the Lafayette athletic community would feel about an openly gay athlete. plain 2024-12-09T18:57:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 14 Feb 2014 Text The Lafayette Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette, _Introducing Gavin__thumb.pdf 2024-02-04T01:47:53+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2014 The Lafayette, "Introducing Gavin" Mary A Armstrong 6 This article from The Lafayette features a Q&A with Gavin Studner, an openly gay Lafayette athlete, a week after The Lafayette released its article “Coming Out: Michael Sam, Jesse Klug and the prospect of a gay athlete at Lafayette.” plain 2024-12-09T18:57:57+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Feb 2014 Text Michael A. Kowaleski ‘14 Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-02-05T15:17:03+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2014 WGS 340 Sexuality Studies Class Photo Mary A Armstrong 6 This is a photo of students in Professor Mary Armstrong's Spring 2014 WGS 340: Sexuality Studies class who were present for a class meeting in the College Archives. plain 2024-12-14T20:02:19+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 Apr 2014 Photographic Image Diane Shaw Mary A. Armstrong Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/LGBTQ Athletics Initiative Recommendation to McCutcheon 2015_thumb.pdf 2024-02-06T03:25:08+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2015 Athletics LGBTQ+ Initiative Recommendations to Director of Athletics Mary A Armstrong 6 A letter written by two students, Kira Lawerence and Kristen Berger, to the Director of Athletics, Bruce McCutcheon, regarding LGBTQ+ Athletics Initiative recommendations. plain 2024-12-14T20:03:40+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 23 Jan 2015 Text Kira Lawerence and Kristen Berger Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-10-26T20:10:02+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2015 Survey for Student Athletes on Team Attitudes Toward LGBTQ+ Athletes Mary A Armstrong 6 This 2015 survey of student athletes sought to assess attitudes towards LGBTQ+ athletes and issues of sexual orientation in Lafayette Athletics. plain 2024-12-14T20:21:16+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2015 Text Student Athlete Well Being Committee Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette, _Creating allies for athletes__thumb.pdf 2024-02-04T01:36:38+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2015 The Lafayette, "Creating Allies for Athletes" Mary A Armstrong 6 This article from The Lafayette focuses on LGBTQ+ activist, Hudson Taylor, advocating for equality and tolerance in athletics. plain 2024-12-14T20:24:42+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 30 Oct 2015 Text The Lafayette Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-12T20:55:03+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2017 Student Paper: "It's All Greek to Me! - A focused case study" Mary A Armstrong 6 This paper written by David Bezer '18 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies explores the how fraternities function as a dominant social force at Lafayette and how they enforce ideas of hegemonic masculinity. plain 2024-12-22T21:13:05+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text David Bezer '18 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-12T21:01:03+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2017 Student Paper: "Lafayette College and the Denial of Female Sexual Agency" Mary A Armstrong 6 This paper written by Taylor Corsi '18 for the WGS 340 course, Sexuality Studies explores the disturbing climate of sexual violence towards women present in, and perpetuated by, Lafayette College. plain 2024-12-22T21:13:48+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Taylor Corsi '18 Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T21:06:46+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2017 Student Paper: "Silencing Female Sexuality through Restrictive Health Services at Lafayette College (1970-1991)" Mary A Armstrong 6 This paper written by Reeve Lanigan '19 for the WGS:340 course, Sexuality Studies, discusses institutional action and non-action regarding women's health and sexuality. plain 2024-12-22T21:14:40+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Reeve Lanigan '19 Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/The Lafayette Jane Spahr Visit_thumb.pdf 2025-03-02T22:15:55+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1995 The Lafayette, "Lesbian minister to talk at Lafayette" Nathan Hansford 6 This article announces an upcoming event sponsored by the offices of the Chaplain, FLAGB, and WGS where guest lecturer Reverend Dr. Jane Spahr would talk about "Homosexuality and the Church". Spahr would address inclusivity and questions of Biblical condemnation from the perspective of an "openly homosexual" pastor. The event was referenced in the interview of LGBTQ+ ally Gary Miller conducted by Professor Emerita Lynn Van Dyke. plain 2025-03-07T15:37:25+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Nov 1995 Text Nancy Perelli Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/The Lafayette - October 16, 2020 __ Lafayette Digital Repository_thumb.pdf 2025-03-07T18:21:06+00:00 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1 2020 The Lafayette, “Brian Hutchison ‘93 discusses recent movie ‘The Boys in the Band’ and life as an actor” Casey McCarthy 6 This newspaper article interviews Brian Hutchison ‘93 about role in the movie ‘The Boys in the Band’ and his acting career during and after his time at Lafayette. plain 2025-03-14T14:48:11+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 16 Oct 2020 Text Shirley Liu ‘23 Casey McCarthy ‘27 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1
- 1 media/The Lafayette - February 19, 1993 __ Lafayette Digital Repository_thumb.pdf 2025-03-07T18:00:25+00:00 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1 1993 The Lafayette, “Unsung Leopards” Casey McCarthy 6 This newspaper article interviews Brian Hutchison ‘93 about his time at Lafayette College while he was a student. His last name is misspelled as “Hutchinson." plain 2025-03-14T14:49:08+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 19 Feb 1993 Text Leslie Ann [Leslieann] Hobayan ‘95 Casey McCarthy ‘27 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1
- 1 media/Condom Bingo 2016 Final (1)_thumb.pdf 2024-04-12T16:58:43+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 Condom Bingo Flier Nathan Hansford 5 Flier for QuEST sponsored Condom Bingo event for 2016 Sex Week with date, location, and event description. plain 2024-06-25T00:20:00+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 11 Nov 2016 Ephemera QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-04-07T01:20:14+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2011 Letter from Stephen Parahus to Provost Hill Regarding Formation of a Gay and Lesbian Alumni Group Nathan Hansford 5 This is a letter written by Stephen Parahus '84 to Wendy L Hill, Provost & Dean of the Faculty, requesting her support in moving the College towards forming a "gay and lesbian" alumni affinity group. plain 2024-07-10T19:15:51+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Sep 2011 Text Stephen Parahus '84 Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2023-12-21T19:41:17+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2015 "You Can Play" Video Nathan Hansford 5 2015 video from Lafayette College supporting the You Can Play Project and its mission of diversity and inclusion. plain 2024-09-06T18:22:18+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 13 Nov 2015 Video Lafayette College Athletics Mary Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-11-15T14:04:03+00:00 Iyana Eubanks c29af95b39aa553618c193083ae98e0d04075a0e 1982 Phil James '82 Anthropology Thesis Mary A Armstrong 5 This senior thesis takes an anthropological approach to the relationship between homosexuality and religion. plain 2024-11-07T02:40:40+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives May 1982 Text Phil James Iyana Eubanks '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-03-25T20:01:10+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2003 QuEST Open House Flier Mary A Armstrong 5 This flier advertises a student and faculty open house for QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) on April 2nd (year undetermined). plain 2024-11-19T21:55:59+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 02 Apr 2003 Ephemera QuEST Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2018-11-30T20:54:33+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2006 Poster for the Day of Silence Mary A Armstrong 5 This poster advertises the Day of Silence and speakout. plain 2024-11-19T22:32:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 26 Apr 2006 Ephemera QuEST Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2019 QAP Safe Zone Peer Educator Flyer_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T23:46:11+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2019 c. Safe Zone Peer Educator Position Flyer Nathan Hansford 5 This flyer advertises a paid student position in the Safe Zone program as a Peer Educator. The flyer also contains the contact information for Grayson Thompson, Assistant Director of Intercultural Development and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Program. plain 2024-11-22T18:08:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2019 c. Ephemera Grayson Thompson Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-10-02T22:09:35+00:00 Iyana Eubanks c29af95b39aa553618c193083ae98e0d04075a0e 2008 The Lafayette, "Student says he is finally living after gender change" Mary A Armstrong 5 This article from the Lafayette discusses how Bryan C. Fox has navigated transitioning while at Lafayette. plain 2024-11-23T00:17:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 05 Dec 2008 Text Eric Wilson Iyana Eubanks '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:43:58+00:00 Jennifer Wellnitz 11691f53c1b63668e9dcc06f4135af63e677501e 2013 Photo of Equality Rally Participants Walking Towards Farinon Mary A Armstrong 5 This photo depicts students participation in the 2013 Equality Rally marching towards Farinon plain 2024-12-09T18:44:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 01 May 2013 Photographic Image Ken White Jennifer Wellnitz '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T21:19:53+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "History and Analysis of Lafayette College's Institutional Policies on Student Sexual Behavior, 1960-1975" Mary A Armstrong 5 This paper written by Kristin Anderson '14 for the WGS 340: Sexuality Studies course outlines the discourses around sexual behavior before the admission of women, during the transition, and after the admission of women. plain 2024-12-09T18:50:11+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Kristin Anderson '14 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T20:59:50+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "Institutional Discourse on Sexuality: Lafayette College, 1970-2014" Mary A Armstrong 5 The student paper written by Janet Gillespie '14 for the WGS 340: Sexuality Studies course documents discourses at Lafayette around sexuality after the arrival of the first women in 1970 through the Lafayette newspaper. plain 2024-12-09T18:50:50+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Janet Gillespie '14 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T21:08:04+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "The Analysis of LBGT Club Name Transitions at Lafayette College Compared to National LGBT Happenings from 1993-2000" Mary A Armstrong 5 The student written by Candace Beach '15 paper for the WGS 340: Sexuality Studies course compares national moments for LGBTQ+ issues in the United States to the evolution of LGBTQ+ student groups at Lafayette. plain 2024-12-09T18:52:14+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Candace Beach '15 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T20:52:09+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2014 Student Paper: "The History of Student and Institutional Practices Surrounding Birth Control and Women's Health at Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 5 This paper written by Leah Godin '14 for the WGS: 340 course, Sexuality Studies, contextualizes the history of birth control at Lafayette in the larger national conversations around the topic and outlines the history of conversations and practices regarding birth control at Lafayette starting with the admission of women in 1970. plain 2024-12-09T18:52:52+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 May 2014 Text Leah Godin '14 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-08T21:46:49+00:00 Charlotte Nunes 3bd60b4d21b3b403402c8daa696caff9074f0779 2015 Student Paper: "Evolution of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Athletes within the NCAA and Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 5 This paper written by Kristen Berger '15 addresses the absence in the Lafayette College Archives of materials pertaining to the history of athletics and the LGBTQ+ community. The author compares shifting discourses on the topic at Lafayette and in the NCAA, respectively. plain 2024-12-14T20:16:46+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 13 May 2015 Text Kristen Berger '15 Charlotte Nunes Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2016 Article-Reporting on Fall 2015 Hudson Taylor Visit_thumb.pdf 2024-02-06T02:17:56+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2016 Lafayette College Athletics, "The Real Deal: Athlete Ally" Mary A Armstrong 5 This article features Gavin Studner, an openly gay Lafayette athlete, and the creation of Athlete Ally on Lafayette's campus. plain 2024-12-14T20:33:20+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 11 Apr 2016 Text Lafayette College Athletics Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/Actor Brian Hutchison ‘93 talks show business, queer representation during residency – The Lafayette_thumb.pdf 2025-03-07T19:43:34+00:00 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1 2022 The Lafayette, “Actor Brian Hutchison ‘93 talks show business, queer representation during residency” Casey McCarthy 5 This online newspaper article is written about Brian Hutchison ‘93 having a residency on campus and discussing his acting career and his role in “The Boys in the Band” during a Q&A. plain 2025-03-14T14:49:48+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Oct 2022 Text Isabella Gaglione ‘25 Casey McCarthy ‘27 Casey McCarthy 2669f0c1eb5f15051f67fe60ed1f65b05eaa6ed1
- 1 media/CONDOMBINGOTRIVIAQUESTIONS.docx_thumb.pdf 2024-04-12T17:27:05+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 Condom Bingo Trivia Questions Nathan Hansford 4 List of safe sex trivia questions and answers to be shared at QuEST sponsored Condom Bingo event. Created in Google Docs by the student group plain 2024-06-25T00:18:31+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 11 Nov 2016 Ephemera QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/Jacob Tobia fall 2016 (1)_thumb.pdf 2024-04-12T16:42:09+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 Fireside Chat with Jacob Tobia Flier Nathan Hansford 4 Digital Flier for QuEST sponsored Fireside Chat with Jacob Tobia with an image of Jacob Tobia, date and time, and short description of event. plain 2024-06-25T00:42:29+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 13 Oct 2016 Ephemera QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 2019-04-15T20:53:54+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 1958 Photo of the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity House Mary A Armstrong 4 Photo depicting the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity House located at 510 Cattell Street. plain 2024-10-22T01:08:25+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 1958 Photographic Image Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2022 Safe Zone updates_thumb.pdf 2024-10-25T18:15:51+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 2022 The Lafayette, “Recently updated Safe Zone training aims to educate on LGBTQIA+ identities, allyship” Mary A Armstrong 4 This article from The Lafayette newspaper describes the history and status of Safe Zone up to 2022. plain 2024-10-27T12:12:17+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives 18 Feb 2022 Text Katie Frost Eva Donato '26 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2016 The Lafayette, Not so scandalous sex week_thumb.pdf 2024-10-27T21:52:23+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2016 The Lafayette, "Not so scandalous, Sex week programing gets softer image" Nathan Hansford 4 This article examines how Christina Usino, just having assumed the Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality position, planned a “softer” Sex Week in 2016 compared to her predecessor, Gene Kelly. The 2015 Sex Week was considered “provocative” for including a lecture given by porn star Belle Knox and an education program about BSDM. Usino wished to be more inclusive and “limit shock factor” with this year’s events. plain 2024-10-27T21:56:49+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Feb 2016 Text Gillian Dunlop '19 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/The Lafayette, Drag Performer Astounds_Redacted_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T00:03:48+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2004 The Lafayette, "Drag Performer Astounds" Nathan Hansford 4 This article covers a performance by drag king Dred Gerestant sponsored by five Lafayette Organizations. Her set included sining, lip-syncing, acting, and storytelling and centered around the importance of being yourself. plain 2024-11-20T22:49:59+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 26 Mar 2004 Text Helen Duffy Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1996 Safe Zone Folder Handout_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T23:57:05+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1996 Safe Zone Informational Folder Nathan Hansford 4 This folder contains educational information regarding gay, lesbian, and bisexual media, history, and signifiers created by Diversity Works. Additionally, FLAGB has included an additional handout for talking about sexuality at Lafayette College. plain 2024-11-21T00:08:23+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1996 Physical Object Diversity Works, FLAGB Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/Equality Rally Announcement-April 2015_thumb.pdf 2024-02-06T01:53:22+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2015 Equality Rally Announcement Mary A Armstrong 4 Announcement released urging students to join QuEST and over 55 different student organizations, academic departments and programs, and administrative divisions and offices in the bi-annual LGBT Equality Rally. plain 2024-12-14T20:04:39+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 27 Apr 2015 Text Quest Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2015 Respect Initiative-IRB Proposal for Survey on Climate for LGBTQ+ Students in Athletics _thumb.pdf 2024-02-19T00:51:08+00:00 Jackie Vargas facc6c52b153568e0c4e5c4b8532ed89576a69d0 2015 Respect Initiative - IRB Proposal Mary A Armstrong 4 This is the IRB Proposal for the 2015 Respect Initiative survey on climate for LGBTQ+ students in athletics. plain 2024-12-14T20:05:27+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2015 Text Susan Basow, Kira Lawrence, Bruce McCutcheon, Kaitlyn McKittrick, Susan Averett Jacqueline Vargas '24 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T21:37:43+00:00 Kelsey Moum 4315cac2eb65c07dc1409dfc0eb2a9032e3c65bb 2017 Student Paper: "The History of Homophobia at Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 4 This paper written by Cat Leschin '19 for the WGS:340 course, Sexuality Studies, discusses the presence of homophobia at Lafayette and follows the prevalence and attitudes towards LGBTQ+ student groups. plain 2024-12-22T21:16:24+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Cat Leschin '19 Kelsey Moum '21 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-04-15T21:39:12+00:00 Lauren Champagne f2cb2b38699e09c8134330026261f20b35155b9b 2017 Student Paper: "The Recent History of Student Led Initiatives Against Sexual Assault and Rape Culture on the Campus of Lafayette College" Mary A Armstrong 4 This paper written by Natalia Nevarez '17 for the WGS 340: Sexuality Studies course outlines rape culture at Lafayette and how it has evolved in discourses around sexual assault and administrative response, or lack thereof, to sexual assault on campus. plain 2024-12-22T21:17:17+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 10 May 2017 Text Natalia Nevarez '17 Lauren Champagne '19 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 2019-02-06T02:22:35+00:00 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93 2017 WGS 340 Sexuality Studies Class Photo Nathan Hansford 3 This is a photo of students in WGS 340 Spring 2017 who were present for a class meeting in the College Archives. plain 2024-07-18T22:52:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Apr 2017 Photographic Image Diane Shaw Mary A. Armstrong Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2019 athlete ally_thumb.pdf 2024-10-25T18:09:58+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 2019 The Lafayette, “Athlete Ally club looks to further LGBTQ+ acceptance and awareness in Lafayette Athletics” Eva Donato 3 This article from the Lafayette Newspaper provides a description of Safe Zone training within the Athlete Ally club. plain 2024-10-25T18:27:01+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives 19 Apr 2019 Text AJ Traub Eva Donato '26 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b
- 1 media/2012 The Lafayette, Gene Kelly Apointed as Dean of GSP_Redacted_thumb.pdf 2024-10-26T20:40:11+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2012 The Lafayette, "Dean of Gender & Sexuality position created" Nathan Hansford 3 This article covers the creation of the new Dean of Gender & Sexuality to provide support LGBTQ students and organize gender and sexuality programs. Additionally, the article introduces Gene Kelly as the first to assume the position. plain 2024-10-26T20:47:32+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Sep 2012 Text Samantha Praman-Linton '16, Catherine Wall '16 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2019 The Lafayette Sex Education and Exploration Week_thumb.pdf 2024-10-27T22:14:49+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2019 The Lafayette, "Campus to celebrate gender and sexual identities during Sex Education and Exploration Week" Nathan Hansford 3 This article discusses Grayson Thompson’s recent appointment as Assistant Director of Intercultural Development and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Programs and events planned for 2019’s Sex Education and Exploration Week. Events included a film screening hosted by QPOC, an adult toy demonstration, and vision board building. plain 2024-10-27T22:18:07+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 08 Mar 2019 Text Ben Fuller '21 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2013 Ask the Dean of Sex Columns_thumb.pdf 2024-10-26T21:22:01+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2013 The Lafayette, "Ask the Dean of Sex" Columns Nathan Hansford 3 February 1, 2013 - April 5, 2013, Dean of Gender & Sexuality, Gene Kelly published columns in The Lafayette regarding "healthy sex and sexuality". Topics include, but are not limited to, the use of pornography in a relationship, fetishes, and virginity on campus. plain 2024-11-01T17:36:39+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 2013 Text Gene Kelly Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1996 Safe Zone Kickoff memo_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T22:58:51+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1996 Safe Zone Kick-off Events Memo Nathan Hansford 3 This memo informs staff and faculty of two events being held to support the new Safe Zone initiative. The events included a brown bag discussion hosted by FLAGB and a workshop led by Minnie Bruce Pratt to discuss issues of heterosexism and homophobia. plain 2024-11-20T23:02:36+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Mar 1996 Text Lori Gruen Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1996 Safe Zone sticker_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T23:11:10+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1996 Lafayette College Safe Zone Sticker Nathan Hansford 3 This sticker was given to faculty to place on their office doors to denote their participation in Safe Zone training and support for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. plain 2024-11-20T23:33:08+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1996 Physical Object FLAGB Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/lafayette_newspaper_1998_09_18_OBJ_thumb.pdf 2024-11-22T16:38:51+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 1998 The Lafayette, “FLAGB no more, GSA takes over” Eva Donato 3 This article from the Lafayette describes the Friends of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals (FLAGB) changing it’s name to the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA). plain 2024-11-22T18:30:03+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives 18 Sept 1998 Text Jessica McRorie Eva Donato '26 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b
- 1 media/Laf news Feb 18 2000_thumb.pdf 2024-11-22T16:33:51+00:00 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b 2000 The Lafayette, “Gay Straight Alliance seeks to revalue gay awareness at Lafayette” Eva Donato 3 This article from the Lafayette describes the Gay Straight Alliance changing their name to QUEST. plain 2024-11-22T18:30:25+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections and College Archives 18 Feb 2000 Text Caitlyn Kelleher Eva Donato '26 Eva Donato 81c3dd706152f40ff78655b07d4e0b2548fd1b9b
- 1 media/Rita Mae Brown 2018 Visit Photos_thumb.pdf 2024-09-11T20:27:50+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2018 Photos of Rita Mae Brown guest lecture for WGS 340: Sexuality Studies Mary A Armstrong 3 Image 1: This is a photograph of author Rita Mae Brown lecturing in Professor Mary A. Armstrong's Spring 2018 WGS 340: Sexuality Studies class. Image 2: This is a photograph of author Rita Mae Brown talking with WGS 340 students, Professor Mary A. Armstrong and Catherine Hanlon '79 after after guest lecturing in Professor Armstrong's Spring 2018 WGS 340: Sexuality Studies class. Image 3: This photograph of Catherine Hanlon '79, Professor Mary A. Armstrong and author Rita Mae Brown was taken after Brown's guest lecture in Armstrong's WGS 340 class in Spring 2018. Image 4: This is a photo of Rita Mae Brown signing a personal copy of her novel "Six of One" (1978) for Mary A. Armstrong. They are in Armstrong's faculty office. Image 5: This is a picture of Rita Mae Brown talking with Mary A. Armstrong after signing her personal copy of her novel "Six of One" (1978). They are in Armstrong's faculty office. Image 6: This is a picture of Rita Mae Brown signing posters associated with her lecture as part of Women's & Gender Studies' Spring 2018 "Voices of Resistance" Series. Mary A. Armstrong is present, and they are in Armstrong's faculty office. plain 2024-12-24T11:23:01+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archive 27 Mar 2018 Photographic Image Michael Kubel Mary A. Armstrong, Nathan Hansford '25 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2019 Equality Rally Letter_thumb.pdf 2024-05-03T17:08:01+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2019 Equality Rally Open Letter from LGBTQ+ Student Groups Mary A Armstrong 3 A letter to the Lafayette Community written by QuEST, QPOC, and PALM in honor of the 2019 Equality Rally. The letter advocates for more emphasis on intersectionality of queerness, race, and disability in activism, requests all faculty members to be Safe Zone certified, and disavows the college’s decision to bring certain speakers to campus. plain 2024-12-24T11:32:41+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 29 May 2019 Text QuEST, QPOC, PALM Nathan Hansford '25 Mary A Armstrong 41061fcf0da5c46170ab7fce619c80dcde461b93
- 1 media/2000 The Lafayette GSA to become QuEST_thumb.pdf 2024-10-04T18:33:28+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2000 The Lafayette, "Gay Straight Alliance seeks to revalue gay awareness at Lafayette" Nathan Hansford 2 This article debuts the GSA's rebrand to QuEST (Questioning Established Sexual Taboos) because of perceived lack of discussion about gay issues. plain 2024-10-04T18:36:25+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 18 Feb 2000 Text Caitlyn Kelleher Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1993 The Lafayette Unfavorable rating_thumb.pdf 2024-10-04T19:12:35+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1993 The Lafayette, "College receives another unfavorable rating" Nathan Hansford 2 An article in The Lafayette regarding the Princeton Review's 1994 ranking of Lafayette as the number one school in which "Gay students are ostracized". The article also discusses the schools high ranking in fraternity social life and recreational drug use. plain 2024-10-04T19:13:15+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 12 Nov 1993 Text Caren Schweidel Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2015 The Lafayette, Drag Event_thumb.pdf 2024-10-26T21:41:16+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2015 The Lafayette, "Being yourself" Nathan Hansford 2 This article reports on a drag performance in Colton Chapel which included a drag show, stand up comedy, and a duet sung by two queens. The show was organized by Gender and Sexuality Programs for Lafayette's 2015 Sex Week. plain 2024-10-26T21:44:02+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 20 Feb 2015 Text Amy Lau '18 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2020 Three Trans Men of Color Event_thumb.pdf 2024-10-27T22:36:03+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2020 The Lafayette, "Three trans men of color share their experiences" Nathan Hansford 2 This article covers a discussion held between three trans men of color, Wazi Maret, Bryan Fox ’10, and Grayson Thompson, Assistant Director of Intercultural Development and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Programs. The group discussed the role of masculine figures in their lives, gender confirming care, and the intersection of transmasculinity and blackness. plain 2024-10-27T22:39:46+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 21 Feb 2020 Text Sabrina Pichamuthu '21 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2021 Grayson Thompson leaves_thumb.pdf 2024-10-27T22:54:18+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2021 The Lafayette, "Grayson Thompson, intercultural development specialist, to leave at the end of the month" Nathan Hansford 2 This article announces the departure of Grayson Thompson as the Assistant Director of Intercultural Development and Coordinator of Gender and Sexuality Programs. The article discusses his accomplishments including strengthening Safe Zone and hosting panels with trans femmes, and notes future work to be done. plain 2024-10-27T22:55:46+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 09 Apr 2021 Text Bernadette Russo '24 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2023 The Lafayette Drag Story Hour_thumb.pdf 2024-10-27T23:25:11+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2023 The Lafayette, "Drag Story Hour encourages LGBTQ+ inclusion" Nathan Hansford 2 This article discusses a story hour led by two drag queens held in Skillman Library. The event was organized by the WGSS department and the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center. plain 2024-10-27T23:26:28+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 05 May 2023 Text Swetha Tadisina '25 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2009 Gay Fine by Me Banner_thumb.pdf 2024-11-08T19:29:48+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2009 "Gay? Fine By Me" Banner Nathan Hansford 2 A photo of a banner created to advertise for QuEST's 2009 "Gay? Fine By Me" rally. The banner was hung in the atrium of Farinon. plain 2024-11-08T19:31:59+00:00 QuEST Lafayette College WordPress site 03 Apr 2009 Photographic Image QuEST Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/OUT_Lafayette_Sept_3_2021_thumb.pdf 2024-11-08T19:52:22+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2021 The Lafayette, "OUT Lafayette establishes a place for LGBTQ students and allies to feel safe" Nathan Hansford 2 This article announces the establishment of LGBTQ student group OUT which would occupy the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center in Farrinon. The article discusses the need to provide a safe space for queer students amid reports of a discriminatory assault as well as provide education to allies. plain 2024-11-08T19:53:03+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 03 Sep 2021 Text Maddie Marriott '24 Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/2007 The Lafayette, Film Documentary, redacted_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T00:27:52+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 2007 The Lafayette, "New film group tackles tough topic for documentary" Nathan Hansford 2 This article from the Lafayette outlines the Lafayette Academy of Motion Pictures' plan to create a documentary about Bryan C. Fox's transition. plain 2024-11-20T00:30:26+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 02 Nov 2007 Text Crystal Burey Iyana Eubanks '21 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013
- 1 media/1996 Safe Zone Pamphlet_thumb.pdf 2024-11-20T23:27:14+00:00 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013 1996 Safe Zone Pamphlet with Lehigh Valley Resources Nathan Hansford 2 This pamphlet presents a collection of local resources for young gay, lesbian, and bisexual people including student groups, bars, education services, and bookstores. plain 2024-11-20T23:29:36+00:00 Lafayette College Special Collections & College Archives 1996 Ephemera FLAGB Nathan Hansford '25 Nathan Hansford 3926ffe97d588a1c4abb8e0e0550aeb3c9787013