AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

July 6th, 2021 - Jerri Norman - Blog Post #1

I am participating in AAP because:
  1. I have enjoyed seeing all of the work that has been curated since Spring 2019
  2. I am intentionally making time as well as learning to do things outside of what I usually do. Due to primarily taking engineering courses and having a ridiculous schedule, being able to participate in this work is really exciting and I am so elated to work with the team this summer too!
This past semester, I attempted to do some grant writing. However, I was unable to contribute as much as I wanted to. For this summer, I hope to gain the skill of storytelling through history of Black experiences through different media like pictures, interviews, etc. and ALSO curating a wide array of info for others to be able to further research in the future. I think it is really important to be able to see the history of Black experiences especially at and around institutions such as colleges because they can be a microcosm for stories that can range from happiness, excitement, rage, anger, sadness, and more. So, I also hope to be able to share all experiences that Black people at Lafayette College and the surrounding area as it pertains to the college in a way that others can learn from and easily comprehend.


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