AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

July 8th, 2021 - Xavier Grayce Walker - Blog Post #2

Last night and today were super productive days. I organized this blog by adding paths by month and by each individual team member, gave folks their cover pages, and created the values and goals pages. The values page is definitely still a work in progress as it is currently just the shorthand version from our meeting notes, but I plan to come back to it in the next week and fully flesh out the ideas we discussed with links to the two other values that we worked from. I also added a couple of pages to the AAP site, edited the landing page, and finished posting the team introduction graphics to the ABC instagram page. I mostly did work hanging out with team members Louis and Jerri (and Kym!) who were super helpful in terms of giving feedback about the aesthetics of the graphics and sites as I played around with sizing and color schemes. I have a few things to get done, most pressing probably testing out the metadata workflow and giving Shirley feedback on that, starting the write-up for the Rapped in Black Collection, finishing the About pages on the AAP site, and creating takedown forms for items within the archive. Super excited for our team meeting on Monday where I can hear folks’ updates and get more feedback on the additions to the sites.

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