AAP Summer 2021 Team Blog

June 29th, 2021 - Louis Wingfield III - Blog Post #1

I am participating in the ABC Archives Project because I believe that the lives and stories of Black people often either do not have a home after they are gone or they are forever misremembered/misrepresented. This project gives us a chance to give Black people power over their own stories so that people will be able not only contribute to the project itself but also be able to look back at something that is tangible. I joined this project during my freshman year alongside Xavier Grayce Walker ’22 and Jovante Anderson ’19. I previously worked on digitizing photographs and documents as well as analyzing and piecing together information from oral history interviews that have been conducted in the past. I am most excited about returning to this project and starting the process of posting interviews that have been conducted as well as setting up new interviews. I am most excited to learn more about how historical events happening in the US and internationally impacted Black students on campus. Today I attended a meeting with folks from the library to talk about decreasing the library’s book purchasing from Amazon in favor of more local solutions. We also discussed ways to get more students involved with the library and how to let students know when books that they are interested in are available in the library (books from guest speakers, books that they have recommended for purchasing).

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