Queer Archives Project

Examples of QAP-Related Student Work

What kind of student work can the QAP inspire? What critical, interpretive and/or creative experiences might emerge from close student engagement with LGBTQ+ history? How does working with the QAP advance Queer Studies? With the permission of the student authors, this page offers examples of student work produced in response to QAP course assignments.

The three examples below were generated in response to Professor Enrico Bruno's sample assignment for ENG 352: Queer of Color Critique. The assignment itself is located in the "QAP Across the Disciplines: Sample Assignments" section under Teaching, Learning and Research.

The student essay below was generated in response to Professor Aaron Stone's sample assignment for WGS 240: Transfeminisms. The assignment itself is located in the "QAP Across the Disciplines: Sample Assignments" section under Teaching, Learning and Research.


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